

词组 size
释义 size
sizen. [saɪz] (sizes)
1. U C 大小,尺寸  a degree of bigness or smallness
2. C 尺码  any of a set of standard measures according to which goods are produced
1. size的基本意思是“大小”,可指尺寸、规模、身材等,也可作“号码,尺码”解,此时是可数名词。size还可作“声望”解,此时是不可数名词。
2. size在表示“大小”这一概念时,可大可小,但是,在没有相应的定语修饰的情况下,它总是偏大。
3. size常与介词of连用,与系动词be连用时,往往省略介词of.
4. size与the right, the same等词连用时,常省去介词of, size前有small, large, medium等词修饰时,介词of多不省略。
 augment the ~ 扩大规模
 change the ~ 改变尺码
 compare ~s 比较大小
 estimate the ~ 估量大小
 exceed the ~ 超过规模
 fix a ~ 固定尺码
 like the ~ of 喜欢…的型号
 measure the ~ 度量大小
 reduce the ~ of 减少…的体积
 take the ~ 量尺寸
 wear a certain ~ 穿某一尺码
 actual ~ 实际大小〔体积〕
 agreed ~ 合适的尺寸,一致的尺码
 all ~s 各种尺码
 average ~ 平均尺寸
 certain ~ 某一尺码
 different ~ 不同尺寸〔型号〕
 definite ~ 一定的尺寸,明确的尺码〔型号〕
 large ~ 大型,大号,大规模
 minute ~ 微小的体积
 natural ~ 如实物一样大小
 real ~ 如实物一样大小
 regular ~ 固定尺码
 right ~ 正确的尺码
 small ~ 小型,小号
 special ~ 特别型号
 standard ~ 标准尺寸
 tiny ~ 小得可怜的尺码,微小的体积
 tremendous ~ 大号
 usual ~ 一般大小
 various ~s 各种型号〔尺码〕
 wrong ~ 错误的尺码
 life ~ 活生生的,如真人一般
 pocket ~ 袖珍型
 boys' ~s 男孩尺码
 children' ~s 儿童尺码
 girls' ~s 女孩尺码
 men' ~s 男士尺码
 women' ~s 女士尺码
 ~ fifteen collar 十五号的领子
 ~ seven gloves 七号手套
 beyond the natural ~ 超过实物的大小
 people of all shapes and ~s 各种形体的人
 of many ~s 有大有小
 building of vast ~ 巨大的建筑物
 under ~ (人)矮小
 ~ down to around fifteen students 缩小至15名学生
 ~ for this product 这种产品的尺码
 the ~ of 和…一般大小
 ~ of a book 书的大小
 the ~ of a delegation 一个代表团的规模
 the ~ of a duck's egg 鸭蛋般大小
 the ~ of a horse 和马差不多大
 the ~ of the cheque 支票的数额
 What size is it? 多大尺寸?
 What size are you? 你穿几号?
 What size shirt do you wear? 你穿多大号码的衬衫?
 There are all sizes of gloves in our shop. 我们店里有各种尺码的手套。
 Try this on for size. 穿上这个试试尺码。
 I need several spanners of different sizes. 我需要几把不同尺寸的扳手。
 China's Autumn Export Commodities Fair exhibited hats in all sizes and styles. 中国秋季出口商品交易会展出各种尺码和式样的帽子。
 We stock dresses in women's and children's size. 我们备有女士和儿童尺码的衣服。
 We dubbed him "Fatty" because of his size. 因为他块头大,我们给他起了个绰号叫“胖子”。
 The company is able to keep its prices down simply because of its size. 该公司之所以能保持价格低廉只是因为公司规模大。
 The two houses are of a size. 这两座房子一样大。
 They're both of a size. 这两个大小相同。
 What's the difference in size? 尺寸相差多少?
 Houses come in all shapes and sizes. 建成的房屋形状和大小都不同。
 Venus is of the same size as Earth. 金星跟地球差不多一样大。
 This book is of the same size as that. 这本书同那本书一样大小。
 These two shirts are the same size, but different shapes. 这两件衬衫同一尺寸,但不同一型号。
 Please give me a piece (of) the same size. 请给我一个同样大小的。
 This is (of) just the right size. 这个正好合尺寸。
 Do you want any shoes of small size? 你要小号的鞋吗?
 It is a building of vast size. 这是一幢很大的楼房。
 It is an olive of big size. 这是一个大橄榄。
 They have a house of medium size. 他们有一所中等大小的房子。
 Last month they bought a new machine of medium size. 上月他们买了一台新的中等大小的机床。
 The governorship is too big for the size of him. 他的声望够不上当州长。
 That manager is a woman of large size. 那位经理是个声望很高的女人。
 He is about your size. 他的身材和你差不多。
 Few of the fish attain any size. 这种鱼很少有个头长得大的。
 ♣ that's about the size of it
 〈非正〉就是这么一回事,真实情况就是这样  that's a fair statement of the matter
 That's about the size of it. 事情的真相大致如此。
 I think your explanation is right. That's about the size of it. 你的说明很正确,就是这么一回事。
 ♣ the size of
 …尺寸,…的大小  what's the measurement; what's big or small
 Will you help me to take the size of the board? 帮忙量一下这木板的尺寸好吗?
 What's the size of your back garden? 你的后花园有多大?
 It is about the size of an egg. 约摸鸡蛋般大小。
 Their army is about half the size of ours. 他们军队的规模只有我们军队的一半左右。
 They are trying to estimate the size of this potential market for their new product. 他们正在为他们的新产品设法估计潜在的市场有多大。
 Look at the size of the ship. 瞧,那是一艘多么大的船啊!
 My wife exclaimed at the size of the electricity bill. 我妻子看到电费这么多惊叫起来。
 You should see the size of their dog! 你该看看他们的狗有多大!
 The size of the book makes it awkward to hold. 这书太大,捧在手里不方便。
 ♣ size, bulk
1. bulk不指准确的度量,只表示相当大的量;size则相对准确些。例如:
 Great bulk does not always mean great weight. 体积大并不意味着分量重。
2. size可指“尺寸,号码”, bulk没有这种用法。例如:
 What size shoes do you want?—I want size seven. 你要哪号码的鞋子?——我要7号的。
 ♣ size, volume
1. size主要指“尺寸”“规模”或“身材”等的大小或“数量”等的多少;volume指某物所占空间的体积或某容器的容积,还可约定俗成地来表达其他任何东西的度量。例如:
 The sheets are made in several sizes to fit different sizes of bed. 这些床单有几种尺寸,以便与大小不同的床配套。
 The volume of this container is 1000 cubic metres. 这个集装箱的容量是1000立方米。
2. size强调真实准确性;volume强调精确性。例如:
 They decreased the size of the group from 25 to 15. 他们把小组的人数从25人减少到15人。
 That is a room with a volume of 30 cubic feet. 那是一个30立方英尺的房间。
3. volume还可表示声音的高低,而size无此义。例如:
 Turning the knob of a radio one can fade the volume of sound in or out. 旋转收音机的旋钮,你就能使音量渐渐增大或减弱。
 ♣ 下面两个句子的意思相同:
The two boys are (of) the same size.
The two boys are of a size.

 ♣ 下面三个句子的意思相同:
I take a size eight shoe.
I take size eight shoes.
I take a size eight in shoes.

1. 这只蛋差不多和我的拳头一般大小。
 [误] The egg was the size of about my fist.
 [正] The egg was about the size of my fist.
 [析] the size of可以在句中构成两个东西大小的比较,此时程度状语放在该短语前面。
2. 这本书是那本书的两倍大。
 [误] This book is twice size of that.
 [正] This book is twice the size of that.
 [析] 表示倍数或分数的词可放在the size之前。
3. 你穿多大尺码的鞋?
 [误] How many size of shoes do you take?
 [正] What size shoes do you take?
 [析] 问“多大尺码”时,应该用what size...?
sizev. [saɪz] (sizes; sized; sizing)
 vi. & vt.按大小排列 sort sth according to size
1. size用作及物动词时,可作“依大小排列,依一定的尺寸制造”解。
2. size常与up连用,表示“测定物的大小,估量(人),估计(情况)”解;也可与down连用,表示“按大小顺序排列”。
 ~ down 从大到小排列
 ~ up 估计某物之大小
▲ S+~+n./pron.
 Will you size these nails? 你把这些钉子按大小分开好吗?
 Please size the shoes from small to large. 按鞋的尺码由小到大排列。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 A man's shirt is sized by his neck. 男士衬衫的尺码是照领口大小分的。
 The water heaters were sized to meet the users' needs. 热水器是按照用户的尺码制作的。
 Women's rings may be sized to 10, men's to 14. 女士们的戒指按大小可分到10号,男士们的则可分到14号。
 ♣ size down (v.+adv.)
 由大到小排列 sort sth according to size
▲ size sth ⇔ down
 In this game, the three-year-old children are asked to size down the ten toy cars within 30 seconds. 在这个游戏里,这些三岁的儿童要在30秒钟内把10辆玩具汽车由大到小排列出来。
 ♣ size up (v.+adv.)
1. 估量,估计 guess the size of sth
▲ size sth ⇔ up
 Sizing up the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint. 我们估计了墙的面积,决定要用三桶漆。
 Some people have the ability to size up a situation at a glance. 有些人对某一形势能一眼就估计得清楚。
▲ size up to sth
 He doesn't size up to my expectations. 他没有我想象中的那么好。
2. 迅速对…作出判断或评价 judge or form an opinion about sb/sth quite quickly
▲ size sb ⇔ up
 They sized me up for a teacher instead of a student. 他们把我看成一个教师,而不是学生。
 We sized each other up at our first meeting. 我们初次见面时互相打量了一番。
 [同义词] n. area, bulk, dimension, extent, mass, measurement, scope, volume
 [词源] 中古英语sise(尺寸量)




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