cut ~割麦子 eat ~吃小麦 export ~出口小麦 get in the ~收割小麦 glean ~拾麦子 grind ~磨麦子 grow ~种小麦 harvest ~收割小麦 import ~进口小麦 raise ~种植小麦 reap ~收割小麦 thrash ~打麦子
beardless ~无芒刺的小麦 common ~普通小麦 cracked ~碾碎的麦粒 golden ~金黄色的小麦 Indian ~荞麦 ripe ~成熟的麦子 whole ~未碾碎的麦粒
bread ~普通小麦 spring ~春小麦 winter ~冬小麦
When wheat is ripe, we would go there to help cutting in.麦子熟了的时候,我们会去那里帮助收割。 That worthy gentleman couldn't even tell wheat from barley.那位高贵的绅士连大麦小麦都分不清。 The farmer grows a lot of wheat.这位农民种了许多小麦。 A bad harvest makes wheat scarce.庄稼歉收使小麦供货稀少。 We expect a good crop of wheat.我们期待着小麦获得大丰收。