The decimal 0.88 stands for 88 hundredths.小数0.88代表88%。 The figure is account to two decimal places.这个数字精确到小数点后两位。 The figure is account to six places of decimals.这个数字精确到小数点后六位。 Three quarters expressed as a decimal is 0.75. 3/4用小数表示为0.75。 If you calculate the result to two decimal places, that should minimize any possible errors.如果把结果算在小数点后两位数,将最低程度地减少可能的误差。 We know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.我们说0.6是小数,因为0和6之间有一个小数点。 To divide by ten, move the decimal point one place to the left.用十除时,把小数点往左移一位。 The course will help students develop mathematical skills including the use of decimals, fractions, percentages and simple statistics.这一课程将帮助学生提高算术技巧,包括小数、分数、百分数和简单的统计学。
☞decimaladj. [′desɪml]
十进位的,小数的on or counted in tens or tenths
~ fraction十进位的分数 the ~ system十进制
▲ ~+n.
Difficulties were caused when Britain converted to a decimal money system.英国改用十进币制后,出现了很多麻烦。 The decimal system is easy to use.十进制使用起来很容易。 China's Renminbi has a decimal system.中国的人民币采用的是十进币制。 Great Britain and the United States both have decimal currencies.英国和美国都采用十进币制。