

词组 front
释义 front
frontn. [frʌnt] (fronts)
1. S 前面,前部;正面  the position directly before sb/sth; the surface or part facing towards, outwards, or upwards
2. S 前线,战线,阵线  a line along which fighting takes place in time of war, together the part behind it concerned with supplies
3. S 外表或样子  outward appearance or show
4. C (避暑地的湖滨或海滨的)散步道  a road, often built up and having a protecting wall, by the edge of the sea, especially in a town where people go for holidays
5. C (气)锋  a line of separation between two masses of air of different temperature
6. S 作为(秘密、非法活动的)掩蔽物  sth that serves to hide an illegal or a secret activity
1. front用作名词的基本意思是“前面,前部”或“正面”。用于军事上通常译为“前线,战线,阵线”,用于比喻义可表示某项研究的最前沿。front还可用来指人的“外表或样子”,还有“(避暑地的湖滨或海滨的)散步道”“(气)锋”等意思。在口语中可指“作为(秘密、非法活动的)掩蔽物”或“幌子”,其后常接由for引导的短语作其定语。
2. front在句中多用单数形式,且常与定冠词the连用。
 change ~ 改变方向
 come to the ~ 出风头,出名
 look to ~ 往前看
 form a ~ against 组成反对…的战线
 go to the ~ 上前线
 start for the ~ 出发上战场
 smiling ~ 笑脸
 industrial ~ 工业战线
 united ~ 统一战线
 water ~ (城镇)靠海(湖)的一边
 in ~ 前面
 in ~ of 在…前面
 in the ~ of 在…前面
 upon the ~ of 在正面
 at the ~ 在前线
 soldiers at the ~ 前线的战士
 news from the ~ 来自前线的消息
 on the ~ 在…战线
 The first class carriages are in front. 头等车厢在前面。
 The coat hooks in the front. 这件上衣在前面系扣。
 She fastened a flower to the front of her dress. 她在衣服前襟上别上一朵花。
 Write your name at the front of this dictionary. 在词典前面写上你的名字。
 We have a small garden at the front of the house and a large one at the back. 我们的屋前有一个小花园,屋后有一个大花园。
 It's safest to remain a good distance behind, in case the car in front suddenly stops. 最安全的方法就是和前面的车保持适当的距离,以免它突然停车。
 Sweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front. 她把别人都推开,挤到了前边。
 The chief guest at the concert was led to a seat at the front of the hall. 演奏会上的首席嘉宾被带到音乐厅的前坐。
 The front of the brick house was faced with cement. 这栋砖房的正面抹了一层水泥。
 The estate is so designed that the front of each house faced away from busy roads. 这个住宅区设计成每幢房屋的正面都不朝向热闹的道路。
 The front of the house looks to the sea. It gets a beautiful view. 这座房子面朝大海,可以看到很美的景观。
 The main body of troops moved toward the front. 主力部队开上了前线。
 The regiment proceeds to the front in a few days. 这兵团数日后要开到前线。
 The old woman told him that she had two grandsons at the front. 老大娘告诉他说,前线上有她两个孙子。
 A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front. 一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
 Victory was dawning on the battle front. 战场上出现了胜利的曙光。
 No enemy was contacted by our patrols on all our fronts today. 今天在各条战线上敌人均未与我方遭遇。
 The fight against disease has had some fine success, and is making advances on all fronts. 防治这种疾病已取得成绩,各方面都有进展。
 Kehr's rudeness is just a front for her shyness. 凯尔色厉内荏。
 Although he was very nervous, he put on a brave front. 尽管他非常紧张,但还是装出一副勇敢的样子。
 This hotel is right on the sea front. 这家旅馆临接海滨。
 A cold front is the forward edge of a mass of moving cold air. 冷锋是一团移动着的冷气流的前锋面。
 This firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 这家公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的场所。
 The police believe that a foreign air travel company is being used as a front for bringing dangerous drugs into the country. 警方相信有人在利用一家外国航空公司作掩护,携带危险毒品到本国。
 ♣ in front of
1. 在…前面 in the position directly before
 There's the house, right in front of you. 房子在那里,就在你的前面。
 My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me. 我的视线被坐在前排的妇女的大帽子遮住了,看不见舞台。
 My wife was still in front of the mirror. 我妻子仍站在镜前照镜子。
 She is a bit wooden in front of a television camera. 在电视镜头前她有点呆板。
 It is not lawful to park in front of a hydrant. 在消火栓前停车是不合法的。
 In front of the labour agency there are many people desiring to get a job. 职业介绍所门前有许多想找工作的人。
 I sat in front of the fire, watching the sparks fly up the chimney. 我坐在壁炉前,看着火星顺着烟囱飞溅。
2. 在…面前 in the presence of
 You shouldn't use such bad language in front of the children. 在小孩面前,你不应该说这种粗话。
 The cheques must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank. 必须当着银行出纳员的面签这些支票。
 I admit now that I was wrong, and I am ready to acknowledge it in front of every one. 现在我承认自己错了,并准备当众认错。
 ♣ in the front of
 在最前面;在最重要的位置 in the most forward or important position
 In the front of the picture is the figure of a man. 在这张照片的最前面是一位男士。
 ♣ out front
 〈非正〉在观众席中  in or among the people watching a theatrical or other performance
 My girlfriend is out front this evening, so I shall hope to give a good performance. 我女友今晚来看表演,因此我希望自己表演出色。
 ♣ up front
1. 〈非正〉预先付款 as payment in advance
 We'll pay you half up front and the other half when you've finished the job. 我们先付给你一半钱,剩下的一半等你干完了再付。
2. 〈非正〉在前锋位置 in the most forward position
 In football, the players who play up front get the most goals. 在足球赛中,打前锋位置的人进球最多。
 ♣ in front of, ahead of
 ♣ in front of, in the front of
He's sitting in front of the car with the driver.
He's sitting in the front of the car with the driver.

 ♣ come to the front, go to the front
Brooks has come to the front recently.
Our troops have gone to the front.

 [误] There is a truck parked before my gate, and I can't get out.
 [正] There is a truck parked in front of my gate, and I can't get out.
 [析] 在现代英语中,当表示在具体的地点前面时一般不用before,而往往用in front of.
frontadj. [frʌnt]
A 前面的,前部的;正面的 of (the) front; being at (the) front
1. front用作形容词的基本意思是“前面的,前部的”,也可指“正面的”或“迎面而来的”。在句中常用作定语。
2. front没有比较级和最高级形式。
 ~ garden 房前花园
 ~ man 挂名负责人
 ~ page (书的)标题页,(报纸的)头版
 ~ seat 前排座位
▲ ~+n.
 The trade-mark is printed on the front panel. 商标印在前仪表板上。
 The wardrobe in the front bedroom has been built in. 前面卧室里的衣橱已经镶建在墙壁之内。
 The front stall seats are reserved for the guests. 前排座位留给客人。
 The usher seated us in the front row. 引座员让我们在前排就座。
 We rolled up to the front porch. 我们坐车抵达前门廊。
 The master of the house conceded me the right to use the front door. 房子的主人允许我使用前门。
 I parked the car in the front yard. 我把车停在前院里。
 A bold black headline screamed out from the front page. 在报纸的头版上出现了一条令人触目惊心的粗黑体大字标题。
 Write your name on the front cover of the exercise book. 在练习本的封面上写上你的名字。
 From our window we had a front view of the soldiers marching past. 透过窗户,我们可以看到士兵操练走过。
 front 偶可用作副词意为“朝前”。例如:
 Eyes front! 向前看!
frontv. [frʌnt] (fronts; fronted; fronting)
1. vt.作…的正面  supply with a front
2. vt. & vi.面向,朝向  face towards
1. front的基本意思是“作…的正面”,引申可表示“面向”“朝向”。
2. front既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接简单宾语;用作不及物动词时,常与介词for, on等连用。
 ~ audience 面对观众
 ~ the enemy 面对敌人
 ~ the truth 面对事实
 ~ bravely 勇敢地面对
 ~ calmly 冷静地面对
 ~ east 朝向东方
 ~ for 为…作掩护,对…负责
 ~ for the mob 为暴民作掩护
 ~ on 朝向
 ~ on the sea 面向大海
 ~ with 用…作正面
▲ S+~(+A)
 The window fronts east. 这扇窗户朝东。
 The cinema fronts towards the south. 电影院正对南方。
▲ S+~+n./pron.
 Imported marble will front the building. 这建筑物的正面将用进口的大理石来装饰。
 The head post office fronts the railway station. 邮政总局面朝火车站。
 A large well-kept lawn fronted the house. 房屋前面是一块保养得很好的大草坪。
 He stood fronting the audience. 他面向观众站着。
 We want to get a well-known businessman to front our organization. 我们想请一位有声望的工商业家担任我们组织的领导,以壮声威。
 Front the enemies and be a man. 要勇敢地面对敌人,做个男子汉。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 The village is franked by high mountains and fronted by a small river. 村子的两侧有高山,前面有条小河。
 ♣ front for (v.+prep.)
▲ front for sb/sth
1. 为…作掩护 protect for
 The police suspected her of fronting for a gang of forgers. 警察怀疑她是一帮伪造者的掩护人。
 Some claimed that the docker's union fronted for the smuggling ring. 某些人声称码头工人工会是走私集团的掩护所。
2. 对…负责 be responsible for
 During divorce proceedings the husband got his assistant to front for him at the office. 办理离婚手续期间,丈夫让助手代他在办公室负责。
 ♣ front on (v.+prep.)
 朝向 face towards
▲ front on sth
 The hotel fronts on the main road. 旅馆朝向大马路。
 The shop fronts on the main street. 这家商店面向大街。
 ♣ front with (v.+prep.)
 用…作正面 supply with a front
▲ front sth with sth
 They fronted the building with red brick. 他们用红砖作这个建筑物的正面。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 The house is fronted with stone. 这幢房子的正面是用石头砌成的。
 [同义词] n. appearance, facade, forefront, forepart adj. fore, head, leading v. confront, face, oppose
 [反义词] n. back, rear adj. back, last, posterior
 [词源] 古法语<拉丁语frons(额,最前面的部分)




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