

词组 hammer
释义 hammer
hammern. [′hæmǝ] (hammers)
C 锤,铁锤hand tool with a heavy metal head
 hammer 用作名词的基本意思是“锤”,是可数名词,也可指钢琴的“音锤”,还可指拍卖人用的“小木槌”。
 The only tools in the house are a hammer and a saw. 屋子里仅有的工具是一把锤子和一把锯。
 ♣ come under the hammer
 被拍卖 be sold at auction
 His entire collection will come under the hammer at next week's sale. 他的全部收藏品将在下周的拍卖会上被拍卖。
hammerv. [′hæmǝ] (hammers; hammered; hammering)
1. vt. & vi.锤打  hit or beat sth with a hammer or as if with a hammer
2. vt.击败  fight off; beat off
1. hammer的基本意思是“锤打”,指用锤子或类似锤子之物反复地敲打,直到把钉子、楔子等钉牢或者是把物体打成所需要的形状。在口语中可指“(在战争中或比赛中)击败对方”。
2. hammer既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接由形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。
 ~ a nail 钉钉子
 ~ a picture frame 钉相框
 ~ a piece of iron 打铁
 ~ a team 击败一支队伍
 ~ accurately 准确地锤打
 ~ adroitly〔professionally〕 熟练地锤打
 ~ boldly 大胆地锤打
 ~ carefully〔cautiously〕 小心地锤打
 ~ decisively 决定性地锤打
 ~ falteringly 犹豫地锤打
 ~ habitually 惯常地锤打
 ~ impetuously 急躁地锤打
 ~ inadvertently 非故意地锤打
 ~ incessantly 持续不断地锤打
 ~ ineffectually 效果不佳地锤打
 ~ insidiously 不知不觉地锤打
 ~ leisurely 悠闲地锤打
 ~ necessarily 有必要地锤打
 ~ occasionally 偶尔地锤打
 ~ patiently 耐心地锤打
 ~ rapidly 急剧地锤打
 ~ repetitiously 反复地锤打
 ~ savagely 野蛮地锤打
 ~ skillfully 灵活地锤打
 ~ spontaneously 自然地锤打
 ~ superhumanly 超出常人能力地锤打
 ~ unhesitatingly 毫不犹豫地锤打
 ~ uniformly 始终如一地锤打
 ~ untiringly 不知疲倦地锤打
 ~ usefully 有效地锤打
 ~ voluntarily 有意地锤打
 ~ in 用锤敲进,猛力冲破(某物)
 ~ in the door 破门而入
 ~ out 锤成,锻造出,弹奏,用力去完成
 ~ out metal 锤金属
 ~ out a plan 经过仔细斟酌制定出计划
 ~ away at 埋头于,连续向…射击,反复讲
 ~ away at the enemy positions 向敌人阵地连续轰击
 ~ away at a pile of work 埋头于一大堆工作
 ~ away at a problem 努力研究某个问题
 ~ at 用锤钉,敲打,连续地用力打(门等)或弹奏(钢琴等)
 ~ at the door 锤门
 ~ at the piano 弹钢琴
 ~ into 把…打成…,向(某人)反复灌输(某种思想、观点等)
▲ S+~+n./pron.
 I hammered a picture frame. 我钉了个相框。
 In order to hang the picture, he had to hammer a nail. 为了挂那幅画,他必须钉枚钉子。
 The blacksmith is hammering the red-hot metal. 铁匠正在锤烧红的铁。
 We hammer metal with a hammer. 我们用铁锤锤打金属。
 We hammered a team. 我们击败了一支队伍。
▲ S+~+n./pron.+adj.
 We hammered it flat. 我们用锤子把它敲平。
 The worker hammered the iron flat. 工人把铁锤平了。
 The machine can hammer metal very thin. 这台机器能把金属锤得很薄。
 ♣ hammer at (v.+prep.)
▲ hammer at sth
1. 锤击,反复敲打 strike with a hammer; strike repeated blows on
 He hammered at the door with his fist. 他用拳头连续不断地敲门。
 The police hammered at the door. 警察砰砰地敲打门。
 I can hear you hammering at the typewriter from halfway down the street! 从半条街之外就能听到你打字的声音。
 Big waves hammered at the coral reef. 大浪不断冲击着珊瑚礁。
2. 攻击,抨击 attack
 The speaker hammered at his opponent's ideas. 讲演人对其对手的主张不断进行抨击。
3. 不断致力于 devote to
 The professor is hammering at an economic problem. 教授正在钻研一个经济学问题。
 ♣ hammer away at (v.+adv.+prep.)
 不断地做 work constantly and with great effort
 〔说明〕 hammer away at不用于进行体。
▲ hammer away at sth/v-ing
 He hammered away at his speech for 3 hours. 他不停地讲了三个小时。
 The teacher hammers away at the multiplication tables. 老师反复地念诵乘法表。
 The president hammered away at meeting the increasing need for housing. 总统正致力于满足日益增长的住房需求。
 ♣ hammer down (v.+adv.)
▲ hammer sth ⇔ down
1. 敲钉钉住 fix with nails by hammering
 Please hammer down the lid first. 请先把盖子打紧。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 This mat has to be hammered down at the edges to stop it curling. 必须把这张席子的边钉上,以防止它卷起来。
2. 不断锤击使成形 shape by continuous hammering
 He hammered down the metal till it was the shape he wanted. 他用锤不断敲击直到那块金属成为所要求的形状。
 ♣ hammer home (v.+adv.)
 费尽全力让某人理解 try extremely hard to make sb understand or realize sth
▲ hammer sth ⇔ home
 The speaker hammered his point home with examples that the listeners could not deny. 那个演讲者以无可否认的例证使听众接受了他的论点。
 ♣ hammer in (v.+adv.)
▲ hammer sth ⇔ in
1. 用锤敲击 fix in by hammering
 He hammered in the nail. 他用锤把钉子敲了进去。
 Help me to hammer in these last few nails, I'm tired! 帮我把最后这几个钉子钉上,我太累了。
2. 用力敲击,用力敲入 knock in by heavy blows
 They hammered in the door and then charged into the room. 他们撞开了门冲进房间。
3. 〈非正〉反复灌输,不断地努力强调 inculcate or emphasize by continuous hard effort
 He'll hammer some information in whether that child likes it or not. 不管那个小孩喜欢不喜欢,他要反复灌输一些知识给他。
 I want to hammer in a few facts if I can. 要是能够的话,我要反复强调几个事实。
 The teacher has been trying to hammer in the danger of failing the examinations. 老师一直在反复强调考试失败的危险性。
 ♣ hammer into (v.+prep.)
1. 锤进 drive with a hammer into sth
▲ hammer sth into sth
 He hammered the nails into the wall. 他把钉子钉进墙壁。
2. 锤打成… beat sth with a hammer so that it becomes an object or shape
▲ hammer sth into sth
 The natives used to hammer the metal into arrowheads, using heavy stones. 土著人以前总是用沉重的石头把这种金属锤打成箭头。
3. 〈非正〉反复灌输 teach sth to sb by forceful repetition
▲ hammer sth into sb
 That teacher is wasting his effort trying to hammer useless facts into such children. 那位老师在徒劳地向这些孩子反复灌输无用的知识。
 Parents often try to hammer into their children how much they owe them. 父母们经常冲子女唠叨:父母对儿女恩重如山。
 I can't hammer anything into his thick head. 对他的笨脑瓜我一筹莫展。
 ♣ hammer on (v.+prep.)
 用力敲打 beat or knock loudly on sth
  说明〕 hammer on不用于被动结构。 
▲ hammer on sth
 Those people next door have been hammering on the walls again. 隔壁的那些人又敲打起墙壁来了。
 Two bandits were hammering on the door of the hall. 两个匪徒在砸会堂的门。
 ♣ hammer out (v.+adv.)
▲ hammer sth ⇔ out
1. 锤平;锤成,敲出 make flat or smooth by hammering; make with repeated blows
 The machine can hammer out metal very thin. 这台机器能把金属锤得很薄。
 He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet. 他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉了。
2. 阐明,解决 talk about in detail and come to a decision; make clear or settle by repeated thought or discussion
 It took three years for the two countries to hammer out an agreement. 这两国花了三年的时间经过反复讨论才达成协议。
 We hammered out the question in friendly debate. 在友好的辩论中,我们弄清了这个问题。
 The municipal government tried to hammer out new traffic regulations to reduce traffic accidents. 为了减少交通事故,市政府经过反复讨论,颁布了新的交通法规。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 Our differences were at last hammered out in discussion. 我们的分歧最后通过讨论消除了。
3. 〈非正〉开始演奏,弹奏出 strike up
 She hammered out a tune on the piano. 她在钢琴上弹奏一支曲子。




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