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tactic ☞tacticn. [′tæktɪk] (tactics)
双解释义 1. P 方法,策略 a means of getting a desired result2. C 战术,兵法 the combination of military plans to achieve a strategy词汇搭配 形容词+~ delaying ~ 拖延战术 mass ~ 密集战术介词+~ win by surprise ~s 出奇制胜句型例句 These new police tactics have really put the wind up the local drug dealers. 警方的这些新策略真正使当地的毒品贩子感到害怕。 The giant oil corporations are earning fabulous profits by cunning tactics. 这些大石油公司以狡诈的手段赚取巨额利润。 They planned the tactics for the next day's battle. 他们制定好第二天的战术。 |