

词组 trick
释义 trick
trickn. [trɪk] (tricks)
1. C 戏法,把戏  skilful act performed for entertainment, especially one involving illusion
2. C 诡计,花招,骗术  thing done in order to deceive or outwit sb
3. S 诀窍,技巧  exact or best way of doing sth; particular technique
1. trick的基本意思是“戏法”“花样”,引申用于贬义可指“不道德的手段,诡计,花招,骗术”;也可用于中性或褒义表示“诀窍,技巧”。
2. trick还可表示“特殊习惯,毛病”“(纸牌游戏的)一圈,一墩”。
 do a ~ 变戏法
 get up to ~s 一味玩花招
 have a ~ of 有…的习惯
 perform a ~ 变戏法
 play a ~ on sb 拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人
 see through sb's ~ 看穿某人的诡计
 lose a ~ 输一墩牌
 take a ~ 赢一墩牌
 win a ~ 赢一墩牌
 clever ~ 聪明的花招
 dirty ~ 卑劣的手段
 low ~ 卑劣的手段
 card ~ 纸牌戏法
 confidence ~ 骗术,先博取信任然后骗取财物的骗局
 hat ~ 用帽子变的戏法
 bag of ~s 专长
 The magician performed his tricks with professional skill. 魔术师用熟练的技巧变着戏法。
 Watch my motions carefully and you will see how the trick is performed. 仔细看我的动作,你就会明白这戏法是怎么变化出来的。
 He did a marvelous trick. 他变了个惊人的魔术。
 What tricks has she been up to? 她一直在玩什么把戏?
 Were you really taken in by an old trick like that?  你真的被这种司空见惯的把戏骗了?
 That was a rotten trick. 那是个恶劣的把戏。
 He grew suspicious of that trick. 他对那个把戏起了疑心。
 Peter is at his usual tricks again, chatting up the girls. 彼得又在玩老把戏,他正跟姑娘们搭讪。
 Don't be fooled by any of her cunning tricks. 不要被她的任何诡计所骗。
 By a cunning trick he became the queen's confidant. 利用狡猾的手段,他成了女王的心腹。
 I was hurt by his dirty trick. 我被他的卑鄙手段伤害了。
 A scorner is capable of the basest tricks. 这个坏蛋什么卑鄙的勾当都干得出来。
 It's no use trying on that old trick with me! 跟我再耍那套花招,一点用也没有。
 Many a person has been taken in by that trick. 好些人都被这一花招所骗。
 Small children will resort to all kinds of tricks to get their elders to take notice of them. 小孩子们会耍各种小聪明让长辈们注意他们。
 The children played a silly trick on my visitor, but luckily he took it in good part and wasn't annoyed. 孩子们对我的客人搞了点恶作剧,不过所幸的是客人并不见怪,没有生气。
 The trick lies in the way you hit the ball. 窍门在于击球的手法。
 The trick is to hold your breath while you aim. 窍门就在于瞄准时屏住呼吸。
 I can't open the box—is there a trick to it? 这箱子我打不开——有什么好办法吗?
 I've never learnt the trick of making friends easily. 我一向不善于轻易交上朋友。
 How many tricks did we lose? 我们输了几墩了?
▲ ~+of v-ing
 He has an annoying trick of saying "you know?" after every sentence. 他有个讨厌的口头语,每句话后面都要来个“你知道吗?”。
 My car has developed a trick of stalling on steep hills. 我的汽车出了毛病,一上山坡就熄火。
 ♣ be up to one's old tricks
 施展让别人不悦的惯技 be acting in a characteristic way that sb disapproves of
 Half my money's gone—you've been up to your old tricks again, haven't you? 我的钱少了一半——又是你干的,对不对?
 ♣ not〔never〕 miss a trick
 非常机警或警觉 be very aware or alert
 Jill will find out your secret—she never misses a trick! 吉尔会发现你的秘密的——她很机警!
 ♣ trick, artifice, device, scheme
1. artifice可以指道德的,也可以指不道德的“手段”;而其他三个词则多指不道德的“手段”。
2. artifice可指用来取胜的“谋略”,有巧妙的手段之含义;device多指为特定的目的而周密地想出来的策略、诡计等;trick指玩花招愚弄别人;scheme常指阴谋诡计、巧计或图谋私利的种种不切实际的幻想或打算。例如:
 She will use any artifice to get her own way. 她会想尽办法独行其是。
 They saw through the artifice. 他们看穿了这个鬼把戏。
 By some device or other he amassed a huge fortune. 他利用种种手段积累了一大笔财富。
 The enemy's scheme went bankrupt. 敌人的阴谋破产了。
 Their scheme to cheat the government failed. 他们欺骗政府的阴谋破产了。
trickv. [trɪk] (tricks; tricked; tricking)
1. vt.哄骗;欺骗  deceive; swindle; cheat; defraud
2. vt.打扮  decorate
1. trick用作动词的基本意思是“欺骗”,多指不怀好意地用欺诈或阴谋手段使人相信不实之事或为某人去做某事。
2. trick是及物动词,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
3. trick还可作“打扮,装饰”解,常与out连用。
 ~ the parents 欺骗父母
 ~ the teacher 欺骗老师
 ~ amusingly 有趣地打扮
 ~ deftly 熟练地打扮
 ~ ingeniously 灵巧地打扮
 ~ mathematically 精确地打扮
 ~ perfidiously 不忠实地欺骗
 ~ politically 政治欺骗
 ~ practically 实用地打扮
 ~ ridiculously 荒唐地欺骗
 ~ singularly 奇特地打扮
 ~ unscrupulously 不择手段地欺骗
 ~ out〔up〕 打扮,装饰
 ~ sb into consent 哄骗某人答应
 ~ sb out of office 骗某人辞职
▲ S+~+n./pron.
 He did not believe you had the courage to trick him. 他不相信你有胆量欺骗他。
 He cleverly tricked his captors. 他巧妙地哄骗了捕捉他的人。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 She found that she had been tricked by the stranger. 她发觉自己被那个陌生人骗了。
 ♣ trick into (v.+prep.)
 诱骗(…)使之采取… persuade (sb) into (action or doing sth) by deceit
▲ trick sb into sth/v-ing
 A clever lawyer should be able to trick the prisoner into an admission of guilt. 聪明的律师应能诱使罪犯认罪。
 He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was rich. 他装作很有钱的样子,从而骗得她和他结了婚。
 The police tricked him into making a confession. 警察哄骗他招供。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 We were tricked into buying a poor car. 我们上当买了一辆破汽车。
 He was tricked into revealing the place where he had hidden the money. 他受人哄骗,泄露了他藏钱的地方。
 ♣ trick out (v.+adv.)
 打扮,装饰 decorate; ornament
▲ trick oneself ⇔ out
 She tricked herself out for the party. 她把自己打扮起来去参加晚会。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 She was tricked out in gaudy dress. 她穿得华丽而俗气。
 ♣ trick out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
 骗取(某人)的(某物) deceive sb's sth
▲ trick sb out of sth
 They tricked her out of office. 他们哄骗她离职。
 The clever salesman was able to trick the old lady out of her money. 这精明的推销员要骗取这位老太太的钱财。
 ♣ trick, cheat, deceive, delude, fool
 [同义词] n. deception, trickery, jest, joke, prank v. cheat, defraud, fool
 [词源] 中古英语trik<古挪威语<法语trique<古法语trichier(诡计,欺骗)




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