

词组 backwards
释义 backwards
backwardsadv. [′bækwǝdz]
1. 向后 towards a place or position that is behind; towards the back, the beginning, or the past
2. 倒,逆  with the back part in front
3. 每况愈下 towards a worse state
1. backwards用作副词时,也可写作backward(尤其在美式英语中),意思是“向后,往后”,引申可表示“每况愈下,退步”。
2. backwards还可作“倒,逆”解,指朝反方向运动。
 count ~ 倒数
 flow ~ 流回
 go ~ 倒退
 lean ~ 往后靠
 look ~ 朝后看
 walk ~ 倒退着走路
 She looked backwards over her shoulder. 她回头向后看。
 Lean backwards and let your partner catch you. 向后仰,让你的伙伴抓住你。
 She stepped backwards into the pond. 她向后退,掉进了水池。
 Take three steps backwards. 向后退三步。
 He was coming backwards down the stairs. 他后退着下楼梯。
 He took a step backwards to allow her to pass. 他退后一步让她通过。
 He was thrown backwards by the force of the explosion. 爆炸力把他往后抛去。
 I glanced backwards over my shoulder to see if anyone was following me. 我转头看是否有人在跟踪我。
 I lost my balance and fell backwards. 我没有站稳,仰面摔倒。
 I walked backwards down the stairs, carrying the heaving box. 我扛着重箱子,倒退着走下楼梯。
 I walked backwards towards the door. 我退到门口。
 It's not easy to walk backwards. 倒退着走路不容易。
 But in fact of course you're always working backwards. 但事实上你一向是倒着做的。
 "Ambulance" is written backwards so you can read it in the mirror.  Ambulance是倒着写的,以便在镜中认读。
 Can you say the English alphabet backwards?  你能倒背英文字母表吗?
 Count backwards from ten to one. 从10倒数到1。
 He began counting backwards "Ten, nine, eight..."  他开始倒数数:“十,九,八…”。
 In the movie they take a journey backwards through time. 影片中的人作逆时光旅行。
 Let's work backwards through all the steps to see where we went wrong. 让我们倒推所有的步骤,看看问题出在哪里。
 With these new weaker pollution controls, the government seems to be moving backwards. 出台这些更不得力的控制污染的新措施,政府似乎在倒退。
 It's only by looking backwards that we can understand how these rivalries developed. 只有通过回顾过去我们才能理解这些对抗行为是怎样产生的。
 Twenty-eight years? Looking backwards, that takes us to the end of World War Two. 二十八年?回想起来,那要把我们带回到第二次世界大战结束的时候了。
 Japan's industrial era extends backwards only a little over a hundred years. 日本的工业时代不过才100多年的历史。
 Instead of progressing, we're going backwards. 我们不但没进步,反而退步了。
 You've put your hat on backwards. 你把帽子的前后戴反了。
 Your skirt is on backwards. 你的裙子前后穿反了。
 He got the directions backwards. He drove south instead of north. 他把方向搞反了;该朝北开车,他却朝南开了。
 ♣ backwards and forwards
1. 来来回回 from one place or position to another and back again many times
 She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair. 她坐在摇椅上前后摇晃着。
 The train goes backwards and forwards between the two cities. 这列火车往返于这两座城市之间。
 Father Brogan began to pace backwards and forwards. 布罗根神父开始来回踱步。
 The wipers move backwards and forwards in front of them. 雨刷在他们面前往复摆动着。
2. 〈口〉详尽;彻底in all details;thoroughly;completely
 Though he is just a young boy, he understands automobile engines backwards and forwards. 虽然他只是个小青年,但对汽车引擎却很精通。
 All of us know this backwards and forwards. 我们大家对此都了如指掌。
 ♣ lean〔bend〕 over backwards
 尽力(以至有点过分) make a great effort, especially in order to be helpful or fair
 We bent over backwards to help them. 我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。
 At times he seems to lean over backwards in the attempt to reach his audience. 有时他似乎过分去迁就他的听众。
 I've been bending over backwards trying to help you and this is all the thanks I get. 我拼命想办法帮你,可这就是我得到的全部感激。
 The local people bent over backwards to impress their unexpected guests. 当地老百姓对这些不速之客盛情款待, 表现得格外热情。
 I practically leant over backwards to persuade him to stay, but to no avail. 为劝告他留下来,我可算是苦口婆心,但他说啥也不肯。
 ♣ know...backwards
 对…了如指掌,熟知… know sth perfectly
 He knew their history backwards. 他对他们的历史了如指掌。
 All the actors know the play backwards. 所有演员对剧本都熟知到可以倒背如流。
 You can't fool me; I know the whole story backwards. 你骗不了我,这件事我了解得清清楚楚。
 ♣ backwards, back
 [同义词] back, back away from, in reverse




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