

词组 battle
释义 battle
battlen. [′bætl] (battles)
U C 战斗,战役;交战 a fight between armies in a war
1. battle用作名词的基本意思是“战斗,战役”,主要指有组织的军事上的战役,战斗,可持续数小时,几天或数月,可以指陆战,也可指空战或海战。battle也可引申为非军事的“战斗”。
2. battle作“战役,斗争”解时,是可数名词,表示抽象的概念时,是不可数名词。
3. battle接against或with可表示“与…斗争”,其对象可以是人、动物,也可以是无生命的东西。
 accept the ~ 应战
 break off a ~ 停止战斗
 direct a ~ 指挥一场战斗
 do a ~ 作战,进行战斗
 fight a ~ 进行争斗
 gain a ~ 战胜
 give a ~ 开展斗争
 give (up) the ~ 认输
 have the ~ 打胜仗,战胜
 join a ~ 参战,开始交战
 lose a ~ 打败仗
 offer a ~ 挑战
 plan a ~ 部署战斗
 refuse the ~ 拒绝应战
 win a ~ 打胜仗,战胜
 close ~ 肉搏战,近战
 drawn ~ 不分胜负的战斗
 fierce ~ 激烈的战斗
 great ~ 大战
 hard ~ 苦战
 political ~ 政治斗争
 running ~ 连续的战斗
 well-known ~ 著名的战役
 air ~ 空战
 land ~ 陆战
 naval ~ 海战
 street ~ 巷战
 ~ line 战斗列阵
 ~ plan 战斗方案
 at a ~ 在(某次)战斗中
 in ~ 在战斗中
 ~ after ~ 一场战斗紧接着一场战斗
 ~ against 与…的战斗
 ~ against time 争夺时间之战
 ~ among 在…中间的战斗
 ~ between  …之间的战斗
 ~ for 为…而战,为…而奋斗
 ~ for life 为生存而战
 ~ over 因…的战斗
 ~ with 与…的战斗
 Long, long ago a battle was fought here. 很久以前这里发生过一次战争。
 The battle dealt the enemy hard battles. 这一仗狠狠地打击了敌人。
 The battle of Waterloo was fought near the Belgian village of Waterloo. 滑铁卢战役是在比利时的小城镇滑铁卢附近打响的。
 It was one of the most crucial battles in the whole war. 那是整个战争中最关键的战役之一。
 This is the scene of the battle. 这就是那个战场。
 This is a doubtful battle. 这是一场胜负难测的战争。
 Today's football game will be a battle of the giants between the two strongest teams in the country. 今天的足球赛将是全国两个实力最强的队之间的强者之争。
 The negotiations were a real battle of wits between the two sides. 那次谈判是双方一次斗智的真正较量。
 The imperial Roman army hardly ever lost a battle. 罗马帝国军队几乎从未打过一场败仗。
 Martin Luther King led the battle for equal rights for blacks. 马丁·路德·金领导了为黑人争取平等权利的斗争。
 He distinguished himself many times in battle. 他屡建战功。
 The general was killed in the field of battle. 将军在战场上丧生。
 The soldiers bore themselves well in the battle. 战士们在战斗中表现得勇敢。
 The music is suggestive of an ancient battle. 音乐使人联想到一场古代的战争。
 With the conclusion of the battle, a famine began. 随着战争的结束,饥荒就开始了。
 On the eve of the battle, the political instructor of the company built his men up to a fighting pitch. 战斗前夕,连指导员把战士们的士气鼓得足足的。
 He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect. 他在多次战斗中表现勇敢而赢得了他们的尊敬。
 In that battle, they brought the artillery into action. 在那次战斗中,他们动用了炮兵部队。
 They won the war after a decisive battle. 经过一场决战后,他们取得了战争的胜利。
 The two companies are engaged in a legal battle over the ownership of the land. 这两家公司就土地所有权正进行法律诉讼。
 They fought a battle against time. 他们争分夺秒地抢时间。
 ♣ battle, combat, conflict, encounter, fight, war
1. battle指两支强大的军队在某一地点进行的长时间的、大规模的战役,也可比喻表示“奋斗”“努力”等意思;war是指国与国之间或国内不同派别之间的公开的大规模战争;fight指两个人或两个组织之间的战争,尤指短兵相接的肉搏厮杀,也可指精神方面的激烈斗争或动物之间的争斗;encounter多指偶然相遇所引起的短时间的冲突或交战,是敌对双方在无计划、无准备的情况下所进行的遭遇战,也可用来指非偶发性的交战;combat泛指军事行动,尤指较小规模的战斗,多指人与人之间的战争,也可指动物之间的争斗;conflict可指实际战争,但更多地指精神方面的冲突和斗争。
2. war包含有多次的battle; fight是普通用语;combat与fight相比,含义较抽象笼统,但与conflict相比却较具体;conflict概念较fight更抽象,语体也较正式。
 ♣ in the battle, on the battlefield
 in the battle 用来表示“在战斗中”, on the battlefield则是“在战场上”的意思。
 line of battle 指军队或战舰的列阵,不是指战线(line或lines)。
battlev. [′bætl] (battles; battled; battling)
 vt. & vi.与〔对〕…作战,斗争 struggle; take part in a struggle
1. battle用作动词的基本意思是“作战”“斗争”,可指战场上真刀真枪地厮杀,也可指意识形态领域中的斗争,用于比喻,可指“努力”“奋斗”。它的主语一般是人、党派等,宾语可以是人,也可以是抽象名词,一般不接具体名词。
2. battle可用作及物动词,接简单宾语;也可用作不及物动词,接介词against/with表示“对象”(可以是人、物,也可以是抽象事物),接介词for表示“目的”。
3. 在美式英语中, battle还可以表示“反抗”。
 ~ briefly 短暂地斗争
 ~ desperately 绝望地斗争
 ~ fearlessly 无畏地斗争
 ~ fiercely 残忍地斗争
 ~ gallantly 英勇地斗争
 ~ hopelessly 无希望地斗争
 ~ manfully 果断地斗争
 ~ silently 无声地斗争
 ~ terrifically 恐怖地斗争
 ~ thrillingly 激动地斗争
 ~ against adversity 和逆境作斗争
 ~ against difficulties 和困难作斗争
 ~ against invaders 和侵略者作斗争
 ~ for equal rights 为争取同等权利而战
 ~ for justice 为正义而斗争
 ~ over a single word or sentence 为一个词或一个句子而争论
▲ S+~(+A)
 The two armies battled all night. 两军彻夜战斗。
 The two boxers battled until the final bell. 两名拳击手争斗到了最后铃响。
▲ S+~+to-v
 The fireman battled to control the flames. 消防员与烈火斗争以控制火势。
 The old lady was battling to keep control of her company. 这位老妇人在奋力保持对她公司的控制。
▲ S+~+n./pron.
 When the nobles rebelled, the king battled them. 当贵族谋反时,国王便出兵打他们。
 They tried hard to battle the false doctrine. 他们竭力反对这个虚假的学说。
 ♣ battle against (v.+prep.)
▲ battle against sb/sth
1. 与(敌人)作战 fight (an enemy)
 The soldiers battled against the opposing army all day. 战士们与敌人整整打了一天。
2. 与(某事)作斗争,与(困难等)搏斗 oppose; try to defeat (sth)
 The mountain climbers had to battle against great difficulties. 登山队员不得不与艰难险阻搏斗。
 We must continue to battle against poverty and disease. 我们一定要继续同贫穷和疾病作斗争。
 ♣ battle for (v.+prep.)
 为赢得(某物)而战斗,拼搏 fight for or struggle to gain or win (sth)
▲ battle for sth
 Our team and their opponents battle for the prize in the football match. 我们球队和对方球队在足球赛中为赢得奖牌而搏斗。
 Some rare wild animals are battling for their existence. 一些稀有野生动物在为生存而搏斗。
 ♣ battle it out (v.+pron.+adv.)
 决一胜负 fight to a finish
 He wanted to battle it out. 他想一决胜负。
 Political enemies have to battle it out in public. 政敌们必须在大庭广众之下决一胜负。
 ♣ battle on (v.+adv.)
 持续战斗,斗争 continue to fight or struggle
▲ battle on
 The opposing armies battled on until night. 两军直打到深夜。
 Women must battle on until they have gained equality. 妇女必须坚持斗争,直至取得平等权利。
 ♣ battle over (v.+prep.)
 因…而战斗 fight about (sth or sb)
▲ battle over sb/sth
 People whose marriage has ended often battle over the children. 离婚者常为孩子而争斗。
 ♣ battle with (v.+prep.)
▲ battle with sb/sth
1. 与(敌人)作战 struggle against (an enemy)
 Tomorrow we shall battle with our old enemies and defeat them. 明天我们要与我们的夙敌作战,并且要战胜他们。
 The two armies battled with each other for half an hour. 两军相互激战了半个小时。
2. 与(某事物或某人)作斗争 struggle against (sth or sb)
 They battled with the winds and waves. 他们与风浪搏斗。
 Scientists are still battling with many diseases. 科学家们仍在与许多疾病作斗争。
 I've been battling with my conscience for several days, and now I know I have to write to you. 几天来我一直在与良心搏斗,现在我明白我必须给你写信。
 [同义词] n. combat, fight, war, warfare v. fight, strive against, struggle against
 [词源] 古法语bataille <拉丁语battere(搏斗)




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