

词组 direction
释义 direction
directionn. [dǝ′rekʃn] (directions)
1. C U 方向,趋向,趋势,动向  course taken by a moving person or thing; way that a person or things or another; way in which sb/sth develops
2. C 方面,范围  respect, limits
3. P 指南,指示,说明  information or instructions about what to do, where to go, how to do sth, etc.
4. U 管理,指导  management, supervision, guidance
5. P 姓名和地址  address on a letter, parcel, etc.
1. direction表示“方向”,指物体移动的所要确定的方位,引申可表示“趋向”“趋势”“动向”,指事物发展的方向,作此解时,即可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词;也可引申表示“方面”“范围”,作此解时,是可数名词;direction还可表示“指南”“指示”“说明”,指从某事物中得到某些信息,并指导人如何去做,作此解时,常用作复数形式;引申还可表示“管理”“领导”“指导”,作此解时,是抽象名词,没有复数形式。
2. direction还可作“姓名”“地址”解,指信件包裹上的姓名和地址,作此解时,要用复数形式。
3. 当表示“在某方向”“在某方面”时, direction前面用介词in.
 ask for ~s 请教,请求指导〔指示〕
 assume ~ 负责管理
 disobey sb's ~s 不遵从某人的指示〔指教,指挥〕
 follow sb's ~s 听从某人的指教〔指示,指挥〕
 follow out sb's ~s 遵照嘱咐
 give ~s 发出指示
 go in a ~ 朝一个方向走
 have a ~ 有指示
 keep sb's ~s in mind 记住某人的指示〔指导〕
 listen to sb's ~s 听取某人的指教〔指导〕
 obey sb's ~s 遵从某人的指示〔指挥,指教〕
 point in the ~ of 指向…方向
 remember sb's ~s 记住某人的指示〔指导〕
 turn in the ~ of 转向…方向
 all ~s 四面八方,各方面
 brilliant ~ 卓越指挥
 clear ~s 明确的指示
 competent ~ 得力的指导
 each ~ 每个方向
 easterly ~ 东方,朝东的方向
 elaborate ~s 详尽的说明
 every ~ 四面八方,各方面
 full ~s 详细说明〔指示〕
 general ~ 总的趋向〔趋势〕
 good ~s 好的指导〔指教〕
 important ~s 重要指示〔指导〕
 new ~ 新的指示〔倾向〕
 opposite ~ 相反的方向,反方向,对面
 personal ~ 亲自指导
 right ~ 正确的方向
 wrong ~ 错误的方向
 mother's ~s 妈妈的话
 stage ~s 舞台导演
 according to one's ~s 根据某人的指示
 at the ~ of 奉…的命令
 in all ~s 四面八方
 in every ~ 四面八方
 in the ~ of 朝…方向
 in the ~ of London 朝伦敦的方向
 under ~ 在指导下
 ~s for the use of medicine 药物使用说明
 ~ of President 总统之命
 ~s on the medicine bottle 药瓶上写的说明
 The bullets and cannon-balls were flying in all directions, and presently one of the latter took the wounded man's head off. 子弹和炮弹到处乱飞。转眼工夫,一发炮弹把受伤者的头颅炸开了花。
 That is the present direction of government thinking. 这就是政府考虑问题的方向。
 He shows rare ability in this direction. 他在这方面有非凡的才能。
 I am not certain about what to do, I feel need of direction. 我不确定该做什么,我觉得我需要指导。
 She was entrusted with the direction of the project. 她受委托负责这项计划。
 He feels the need for firm direction. 他觉得需要坚定的方向。
 Follow the directions that your doctor gives you. 根据医生给你的说明。
 I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house. 我向他作了详细的说明,好让他能找到那房子。
 The parcel was returned to the deliverer because the directions were incorrect. 包裹因姓名地址有误而退给了寄件人。
 ♣ at the direction of
 奉某人之命 being order by
 The report was prepared at the direction of the president. 该报告是奉总统之命写成的。
 ♣ directions about〔as to〕
 关于…的说明 information about
 Directions about putting the parts together are printed on the card. 有关装配的说明印在卡片上。
 His directions as to how to get to the farm were quite clear. 他把如何走到农场说明的相当清楚。
 ♣ directions for
 …的说明  information at
 Now you must write the directions for each part. 现在你必须写出每一部分的说明。
 Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box. 盒上印有装配模型的简要说明。
 ♣ in (the) direction (of)
 朝…方向 to the way of
 He drove away in the direction of London. 他开车向伦敦方向驶去。
 They drove in the direction of the main street. 他们向主干道路方向行驶。
 She turned in the direction of Bond Street. 她向邦德大街方向拐去。
 After school the children separated in all directions. 放学后孩子们四散分开。
 Please turn the key in a clockwise direction. 请顺时针转动钥匙。
 He hurried away in the opposite direction. 他急忙朝相反的方向离去。
 The new road has three lanes in each direction. 那条新路每一个方向都有三条行车道。
 ♣ under the direction of
 在…的领导之下 under the lead of
 The singing group is under the direction of Mr. Duff. 这个歌唱组是由达夫先生领导的。
 The school is under the direction of a good teacher. 该校由一名好教师管理。
 [误] I'm going to that direction.
 [正] I'm going in that direction.
 [析] 要表示“朝…方向”时,需用in the direction of,不可说to the direction of.
 [同义词] charge, command, leadership, order, address




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