释义 |
disposal ☞disposaln. [dɪ′spǝʊzl]
双解释义 1. U 清除,处理,处置 action of getting rid of sth 2. U 排列,布置 the way that people or things are arranged 词汇搭配 形容词+~ entire ~ 完全的处置权 tasteful ~ 雅致的布置名词+~ bomb ~ 对炸弹的拆除 garbage〔waste〕 ~ 垃圾〔废物〕处理介词+~ at sb's ~ 由某人作主,由某人支配,随意 leave〔place, put〕 sth at sb's ~ 把某物交给某人处理~+介词 ~ of …的处理,…的处置权 ~ of material resources 对资源的处置权 ~ of property〔radioactive waste〕 财产〔放射性废料〕的处理 ~ of troops 部署军队句型例句 Please see to the disposal of that rubbish. 请负责处理掉那堆垃圾。 The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem. 安全处理核废料是个大问题。 You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture. 你最好和她讨论一下如何布置家具。常用短语 ♣ at one's disposal 供任意使用;可自行支配 available for one to use as one wishes I had no time at my own disposal. 我没有一点儿自由支配的时间。词语辨异 ♣ disposal, disposition 参见disposition条。 补充资料 [词源]古法语disposer(分开放置) |