

词组 dressing
释义 dressing
dressingn. [′dresɪŋ]
1.C U (拌沙拉用的)调料  a thin sauce used to add flavour to salads, usually made from oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, etc.
2.C (保护伤口的)敷料 a piece of soft material placed over a wound in order to protect it
3.U 穿衣;打扮 the act of putting on clothes
 She washed the salad greens and mixed them with the dressing. 她洗净了做沙拉的绿色蔬菜,并用沙拉调料拌匀。
 This salad dressing has a sharp taste. 这种生菜的调味品味道辛辣。
 Dr. Macdonald will be here later to attend to the dressings. 麦克唐纳医生呆会儿会来包扎伤口。
 She spends an important part of her time on dressing. 她把自己大部分时间用于打扮。




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