

词组 antagonism
释义 antagonism
antagonismn. [æn′tæɡǝnɪzǝm] (antagonisms)
U C 对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意 active opposition or hatred, especially between people or groups
 antagonism 是书面用语,基本意思是“对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意”,强调因气质上的冲突而迅速产生敌意或激发起反抗的精神。antagonism所表示的“对抗情绪”可以是公开的,也可以是未公开的。
 arouse ~ 引起敌对
 cause ~ 引起敌对
 lay to rest an ~ 平息对抗
 soften the ~ 软化敌对情绪
 stir up ~ 针对某事的敌对行为
 cause ~ between 引起…之间的对抗
 come into ~ with sb 和某人发生对抗
 feel a strong ~ for sb 对某人有强烈反感
 stir〔arouse〕 ~ between friends 挑动朋友间相互对立
 active ~ 激烈的对抗
 bitter ~ 激烈的对抗
 deadly ~ 仇恨
 deep ~ 深仇大恨
 ethnic ~ 种族对立
 political ~ 政治对立
 racial ~ 种族对抗
 religious ~ 宗教对立
 tribal ~ 部落对抗
 vehement ~ 强烈的反对
 uncompromising ~ 不妥协的对抗
 profound political ~ between  …之间深刻的政治对立
 class ~ 阶级对抗
 be in ~ to sth 反对某事
 be in ~ with 和…对抗
 in ~ to 反对对抗
 the ~ between Capital and Labour 劳资间的对立
 the ~ of the oppressed against the oppressor 被压迫者对压迫者的仇恨
 the two ~ at war 战争中的两大对抗力量
 be in direct ~ with 和…直接对抗
 the ~ between classes 阶级对抗
 the ~ between the two men 二人之间的对立
 the ~ between two persons 两个人之间的对立
 the ~ of democracy to dictatorship 民主与独裁的对立
 the racial ~s in society 社会上的种族对立情绪
 an act of ~ against sb/sth 针对某人的敌对行为
 be brought into ~ with 和…闹翻;和…对立
 The antagonism grows up. 对抗逐渐形成。
 He openly showed his antagonism against his rivals. 他毫不掩饰对竞争者的敌意。
 His speech did not arouse any particular antagonism on the part of the press. 他的演讲没有引起新闻界的特别反感。
 I feel a strong antagonism for him. 我对他非常反感。
 It was difficult to explain their antagonism towards strangers. 很难解释他们对陌生人的敌意。
 John was brought chronic antagonism with George. 约翰和乔治不时地发生冲突。
 Mark felt great antagonism towards his rival. 马克痛恨他的对手。
 People feel a strong antagonism to〔towards〕 anyone seen as threat to their livelihood. 人们对凡是被视为危及他们生存的人总是怀有强烈的戒备心理。
 She felt strong antagonism toward her stepmother. 她对后母抱着强烈敌意。
 The European Union has certainly helped to reduce the historic antagonisms between the countries of western Europe. 欧洲联盟无疑帮助西欧各国缓解了它们之间长久的龃龉。
 The unfairness of the will caused antagonism between the two brothers. 这份不公平的遗嘱使两个兄弟间产生了敌意。
 Her plan to become an actress met with the antagonism of her family. 她想当演员,但遭到家里人的极力反对。
 There's a worrying degree of antagonism towards neighboring states. 对邻国的敌意已达到令人担忧的程度。
 The underlying antagonism between the two men doesn't exactly encourage party. 这两个人之间潜在的敌意是不利于党内团结的。
▲ ~+(that-)clause
 The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong. 他对夙敌的仇恨仍然十分强烈。
 [同义词] hostility, opposition, conflict, resentment
 [反义词] love, friendship, harmony




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