释义 |
face ☞facen. [feɪs] (faces)
双解释义 1. C 脸,面孔 the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead and hair2. C 面容,面部表情 a look or expression on the face3. C 外表,外貌 appearance4. C U 表面,面貌 the front, outer, or most important surface of sth 5. U 面子,威严 a state of being respected by others基本要点 1. face的基本意思是“面孔”“脸”,为可数名词。引申可指“面部表情”“外表”“表面”“威严”“厚脸皮”等。2. face作“面子”“过分自信”解时,为抽象名词,不可数。3. face的复数形式faces可作“面容”解,用于比喻时指一个人的多副面孔。词汇搭配 动词+~ accept the ~ of 偏袒,偏爱 bury one's ~ in one's hands 用两手捂住脸 cover one's ~ 掩面,捂脸 have the ~ 有脸,有面子 hide one's ~ 把脸藏起来,低头不理睬 keep a straight ~ 板着面孔,不露笑脸 look sb in the ~ 直视某人的脸 lose ~ 丢脸,丢面子 make a ~ at sb 对某人做鬼脸 meet ~ to ~ 面对面,碰面 press ~ against 把脸贴在…上 pull a long ~ 脸色难看,愁眉苦脸,拉长脸 put a good ~ on sth 装饰某物,对某事持乐观态度 put on a new ~ 面目一新,改观 recognize sb's ~ 认出某人的面孔 remember sb's ~ 记得某人的面容 save one's ~ 保全脸面,挽回面子 see ~ to 碰面 set one's ~ against sth 坚决反对某事,抵制某事 show one's ~ 露面 take on a new ~ 面貌一新 turn one's ~ away 把脸转过去 wash one's ~ 洗脸 wear a long ~ 脸色难看,愁眉苦脸,拉长脸形容词+~ angry ~ 愤怒的面孔,生气的面孔 beautiful ~ 美丽的脸庞 broad ~ 宽脸 brown ~ 黝黑的脸 clean ~ 干净的脸面 cold ~ 冰冷的面孔 dirty ~ 脏脸 empty ~ 毫无表情的面孔 fair ~ 漂亮的容貌 handsome ~ 英俊的脸庞 happy ~ 幸福的面容 honest ~ 诚实的面容 kind ~ 慈祥的面容 long ~ 不高兴的脸,愁容 made-up ~ 化了妆的脸 masked ~ 带着假面具的脸 open ~ 坦率的面容 pale ~ 苍白的脸色 pretty ~ 漂亮的脸 proud ~ 傲慢的面孔〔表情〕 rough ~ 粗糙的脸皮〔表面〕 round ~ 圆脸 sad ~ 忧愁的面容 serious ~ 严肃的面孔 smiling ~ 笑脸 smooth ~ 没有胡子的脸,白净的脸 sweaty ~ 汗流满面 sweet ~ 可爱的脸 thin ~ 清瘦的面孔 tired ~ 疲倦的面容 troubled ~ 愁容 ugly ~ 难看的脸,丑陋的面容 unhealthy ~ 病态的脸 wasted ~ 消瘦的面容 wooden ~ 毫无表情的脸~+名词 ~ cream 润肤香脂 ~ powder 润肤粉介词+~ before sb's ~ 当着某人的面 in one's ~ 在前面(面前),不顾,面临 in the ~ of the world 公然 on the ~ of it 表面看来 on the ~ of the earth 在地球上 over the ~ 满面 to sb's ~ 当着某人的面 with a burning ~ 涨红脸地 with a serious ~ 神情严肃地~+介词 ~ of affairs 局面句型例句 He altered his face suddenly. 他突然变了脸。 Their faces were pinched with grief. 他们的面容因悲伤而憔悴。 The children's faces were brightened up when they saw their parents appear at the gate of the kindergarten. 当孩子们看到家长们出现在幼儿园门口时,都喜形于色。 The blood drained from her face as she learned what had happened. 当她得知所发生的一切时,脸色煞白。 Her pale face betrayed her fear. 她苍白的脸显露出她的恐惧。 She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face. 她感激的泪珠禁不住沿着面颊流了下来。 His red hair hung down upon his white face. 他的红发披在他那惨白的脸上。 The wind blew on his face. 风迎面吹来。 His face beamed with delight when he heard that the first prize was to give to him. 他听到头等奖给他时面露喜色。 The children stared at the lion, all the colour draining from their faces. 孩子们目不转睛地盯着狮子,个个面如土色。 When she came to, friendly faces were bending over her. 她苏醒过来时看到一张张友好的脸低下来望着她。 His scheme blew up in his face after all, despite his optimism. 尽管他乐观,他的计划一下子失败也使他丢脸。 The face of the town will be completely changed before long. 这个城镇的面貌不久将彻底改变。 I cannot call his face back. 我记不起他的相貌了。 The face of the building is covered with climbing plants. 建筑物的正面被攀缘植物所覆盖。 He knew he was wrong, but would not admit it, for fear of losing face. 他明知自己错了,不过因为怕丢脸而不肯承认罢了。 The difficulty is how to admit the mistake without losing face. 难就难在既要承认错误又要不失面子。常用短语 ♣ face(-)to(-)face 面对面 confronting sb They had a face-to-face argument. 他们面对面地吵了一架。 ♣ fly in the face of 悍然不顾;公然违抗 foolishly take a course which seems to be defying discretion, providence, etc. You're flying in the face of the law. 你在公然犯法。 I think we'd be silly to fly in the face of public opinion. 我认为我们悍然无视公众的舆论是愚蠢的。 To act as you have done is to fly in the face of Providence. 照你的所作所为那样去行事,是违背上帝的意志的。 Anyone who is tempted to fly in the face of discretion had better think twice. 不愿谨慎行事的人再思为佳。 ♣ hide one's face 恨不得找个地缝钻进去 cover one's face because of shame or embarrassment Mary was so embarrassed. She could only hide her face in shame. 玛丽感到特别难堪,她恨不得找个地缝钻进去。 When Bob said how pretty Mary was, she blushed and hid her face. 鲍勃说玛丽多么美丽时,她红着脸不好意思地低下头。 ♣ in the face 面对 confronting He didn't dare to look at her in the face. 他不敢正眼看她。 ♣ in (the) face of 面对 confronting 〔说明〕 本习语中face前加和不加the意思相同,英式英语中常不加the. In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong. 在新的证据面前,他只得服输认错。 We should compose ourselves in the face of fear. 我们在危险时要保持镇静。 Additional soldiers must be recalled to active duty in the face of this military threat. 面对这种军事威胁,必须把预备役士兵召回部队。 I couldn't bear that Mother should scold me in the face of my friends. 母亲当着我朋友们的面骂我,我受不了。 ♣ laugh in sb's face 〈非正〉对某人公开表示轻蔑或不服从,当面嘲笑某人 show clear disrespect or disobedience towards sb 〔说明〕 laugh in one's face通常不用于被动结构。 When the new member made his suggestion, the rest of the committee laughed in his face. 当这位新委员提出建议时,委员会其他成员公开表示蔑视。 Robert went up to the boss and asked for a rise, but the latter just laughed in his face. 罗伯特跑到老板那儿要求增加工资,但老板却当面嘲弄了他一番。 ♣ laugh on the other side of one's face 转喜为忧 change from joy or triumph to sorrow or regret It's all very well for you to laugh, but if the same thing ever happens to you, you'll laugh on the other side of your face. 你尽管笑你的,可是如果同样的事情发生在你的头上,你就得转喜为忧了。 He may laugh at our discomfiture now, but before long he'll be laughing on the other side of his face. 他现在可以对我们幸灾乐祸,但是要不了多久他就会转喜为忧。 ♣ look in the face 正视(某人) be able to face sb without shame or fear▲ look sb in the face If he knows I told him a lie, how can I look him in the face again? 如果他知道我对他撒了谎,我还怎么再见他? ♣ make a face〔faces〕 〈非正〉做鬼脸,做苦相 make an expression with the face to show dislike, disgust, or pain in order to amuse, anger, or frighten The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him. 那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个小娃娃笑。 The sick boy swallowed the medicine and made a face. 这生病的男孩子吞下药后做了个苦脸。 Every time I mentioned taking a swim in the lake he would make a face. 每当我提起下湖去游泳,他总露出不赞成的表情。 The twins made faces at each other. 这对孪生子互扮鬼脸。 The teacher told the pupils to stop making faces. 老师叫学生不要做鬼脸。 ♣ on the face of 表面上看来 appearance on sth On the face of it, this story seems unconvincing. 表面上看来,这个故事似乎令人难以置信。 ♣ pull a face 〈非正〉做鬼脸 make faces 〔说明〕 pull a face通常不用于被动结构。 At the mere mention of the name of the visitor he pulled a face, which I took for a sign of disapproval. 一提到来访者的名字,他就做了个怪相,在我看来,这表示他不赞成。 ♣ pull〔wear〕 a long face 拉长脸(显出不喜欢或不高兴的样子) show signs of dislike or distaste The child pulled a long face when he was told to go to bed. 让他去睡觉时,这孩子板起了面孔。 What's wrong?Why do you wear a long face? 你怎么了?你为什么哭丧着脸? ♣ put a good face on 装出不在意的样子 pretend to be completely normal Smith has run away from home, but his family are putting a good face on it. 史密斯已经离家出走,但家里人却装作若无其事。 ♣ save one's face 保全面子 avoid losing one's dignity or suffering loss of credit or reputation Bill would not play the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save his face. 比尔不愿参加比赛,因为他知道自己水平不高而想保全面子。 ♣ show one's face 〈非正〉露脸,出现 appear face 〔说明〕 show one's face通常不用于进行体。 He is ashamed to show his face at the club. 他不好意思在俱乐部露面。 ♣ spit in the face of 蔑视某人 show a complete lack of respect for sb That boy is so badly behaved that he cares nothing for manners, and spits in the face of all the teachers. 那孩子的行为恶劣,举止粗野,对所有的老师都不尊重。 ♣ spoil one's face 毁损某人的容貌 ruin one's face The young man who spoiled his girlfriend's face with sulphuric acid was sentenced to death. 那个用硫酸毁损女朋友容貌的年轻人被判处死刑。 ♣ stare in the face▲ stare sb in the face 1. 盯视,直视 look directly at sb with fixed eyes I stared her in the face to see if she was lying. 我盯着她看,想看出她是否在说谎。2. 〈非正〉就在眼前〔身旁〕 be in front of sb I was looking for the Post Office and there it was in front of me all the time, staring me in the face! 我一直在找邮局,没想到邮局就在我面前,正对着我。 The book I was looking for was staring me in the face. 我找的书其实就在我面前。3. 〈非正〉显而易见 be very easy to understand The answer to his problem was staring him in the face. 他那个问题的答案是明摆着的。 How can you go on pretending that all is well, when the sad truth about your relationship is staring you in the face? 你们关系不好,这可悲的事实是明摆着的,你怎么还能假装没事儿呢? ♣ to one's face 当面,公开 publicly I dare you to speak to my face. 谅你不敢当我的面讲。词语辨异 ♣ 下面两句话意思相同:The soldier owed his courage to his ability to remain cool in the face of danger. The soldier owed his courage to his ability to remain cool in face of danger. 这位战士把勇气归功于在危险面前保持镇定的能力。
♣ in one's face, on one's face 两者的意思有相同的情况,但多数情况下还是有区别的。其区别在于: 1. 面部上有明显的突出物时用介词on,否则用in. 试比较:Your nose is on your face. 鼻子突出在面部。 Your eyes are in your face. 眼睛嵌在面部
2. 面部上有表情时,如smile, expression, grin, frown等,介词用on. 例如: A faint smile appeared on her face. 她脸上露出了微微的笑容。 The young boy returned with a victorious grin on his face. 年轻人面带胜利的微笑回来了。 ♣ hit my face, hit me in the face 在英语中常见的说法是hit me in the face;前者指“打到的地方是脸部而不是其他部位”;后者指“打到的人是我而不是别人,而被打到的部位是我的脸部而不是其他别的部位”。 ♣ in the face of, on the face of 这两个短语意思不同,前者的意思是“面临”,而后者的意思是“从表面看来”。例如: The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils. 指挥员命令他的战士要临危不惧。 The story is absurd on the face of it. 这个故事表面上看起来是荒谬的。 ♣ face, appearance, aspect, countenance, feature, look, visage 这组词都有“脸”“面貌”的意思。其区别在于: 1. face意义广泛,可指人或动物的脸,也可指面部表情,还可指事物的外表等。例如: She powdered her face before going to dinner. 她去参加晚宴前往脸上搽了粉。 The little boy's face shone when I gave him the sweets. 我把糖果给那个小男孩时,他脸上露出了高兴的神色。 The face of a city can change completely in a year. 一个城市的面貌会在一年里完全改变。2. feature仅涉及耳口鼻等五官时只用单数形式,指整个容颜、面貌时则须用复数形式。例如: Her mouth is her best feature. 她的嘴长得最好看。 He is a boy with fine features. 他是一个眉清目秀的美少年。 The veil she was wearing obscured her features. 她戴的面纱遮掩了她的面容。 The light was so dim that I couldn't distinguish their features. 光线太暗,我看不清他们的面貌。3. countenance的意思是“面容,面色”,有明显的感情色彩。例如: She has a pleasing countenance. 她有一张讨人喜欢的面孔。 At the sight of this photo he changed his countenance. 他一看见这张照片脸色就变了。 The man being interrogated remained in countenance. 正在受审的人依然镇定自若。 Her joke put him out of countenance. 她的玩笑使他脸色不自然。 Despite the threats he kept his countenance. 尽管受到威胁他仍面不改色。4. visage也指人或物的面貌、外表。主要用于书面语、文学语言中。例如: The boss is always showing a grim visage to the workers. 那老板总是对工人摆出一副铁板的脸。5. aspect多用于文学作品中,用于人时,指某人所特有的外貌,用于物时,指某事物给人造成的特殊印象。例如: We became afraid of the angry aspect of the man. 我们害怕那人生气的样子。 China's industry is assuming a new aspect. 中国的工业正在呈现新的面貌。6. appearance只表示对人或事物的外表进行客观的记叙,强调整体外貌。例如: He has the appearance of an able cadre. 他那样子像个干练的干部。 The scribbles on the walls ruined the neat appearance of the hall. 乱涂墙壁破坏了大厅的整洁外观。 Never judge appearance. 不可以貌取人。 The dog is like a wolf in appearance. 这只狗看上去像只狼。 She made a poor appearance on stage. 她在舞台上表演不佳。7. look是普通用词,用单数时表示脸色、神色、外表;用复数时,纯指面容,一般用在口语中。例如: He sat down at the table with a weary look on his face. 他面带倦容,在桌子旁边坐了下来。 The man put on a serious look. 这人摆出一副严肃的神色。 You often judge a man by his looks, don't you? 你老是根据相貌判断人,不是吗? ♣ 下面两个短语意思不同:in one's face 公开地,正对着 to one's face 当着面
正误解析 1. 她打了他一记耳光。 [误] She slapped him on the face. [正] She slapped him in the face. [析] 外来动作涉及面部者一般用in而不用on. 2. 她的脸上露出茫然若失的神情。 [误] A blank expression appeared in her face. [正] A blank expression appeared on her face. [析] 说明脸部表情即面部本身发生变化时,一般用介词on,而不用in. 3. 约翰粗心的工作使他在雇主面前丢了脸。 [误] John's careless work made him lose the face with his employer. [正] John's careless work made him lose face with his employer. 他们给他自动辞职的选择以保全他的面子。 [误] They gave him a choice of resigning to save the face. [正] They gave him a choice of resigning to save his face. [正] They gave him a choice of resigning to save appearance. [析] lose face的意思是“丢脸”, save one's face〔save appearance〕的意思是“保全面子”,均为固定用法。 4. 他有一张长脸。 [误] He has a long face. [正] He has an oval face. [析] a long face的意思不是“长脸”,而是不高兴的脸,汉语中的“长脸”,可译为oval face, longish face或slender face. ☞facev. [feɪs] (faces; faced; facing)
双解释义 1. vt. & vi.面对,面向… turn, stand in the direction2. vt.面临… be in a position in which one must deal with3. vt. & vi.正视,承认 meet or oppose firmly and not try to avoid基本要点 1. face用作名词时意为“脸”,转化为动词意为“面对”“朝”“面临”,引申可指“正视”“承认”,即明知形势危险或某种力量难以抗拒,也准备或愿意接受其后果。2. face既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,后面可接人或表示困难、形势、问题等的抽象名词或动名词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,多用来指房屋的朝向。词汇搭配 ~+名词 ~ a grave economic crisis 面临严重的经济危机 ~ a most impressive scene 面对一片令人惊叹的景色 ~ a serious shortage of food 面临粮食缺得很厉害的情况 ~ arduous struggles 面对艰苦的斗争 ~ both death and torture 面对死亡和酷刑 ~ people 见人 ~ the Atlantic on the east 东临大西洋 ~ the consequences 承担后果 ~ the door 面对门 ~ the music 承担后果 ~ the Pacific on the west 西临太平洋 ~ the possibility of an early death 面临可能早逝的可能性 ~ the responsibility 正视责任 ~ the river 面对河 ~ the sea 面向大海 ~ the street 面对大街 ~ the task 面临任务 ~ the top of the hill 面对山顶 ~ the urgent problems 面临紧迫问题 ~ these difficulties squarely 正视困难 ~ unprecedented difficulties 碰到了前所未有的困难~+副词 ~ accidentally 偶然地面对 ~ amicably 友好地面对 ~ artfully 狡猾地面对 ~ assiduously 持之以恒地面对 ~ benignly 仁慈地面对 ~ blindly 盲目地面对 ~ bravely 勇敢地面对 ~ cautiously 谨慎地面对 ~ challengingly 具有挑战性地面对 ~ cheerfully 愉快地面对 ~ complacently 自鸣得意地面对 ~ completely 完全地面对 ~ contemptuously 傲慢地面对 ~ cordially 真心实意地面对 ~ decisively 果断地面对 ~ delightfully 愉快地面对 ~ diffidently 胆怯地面对 ~ dramatically 戏剧性地面对 ~ eagerly 热切地面对 ~ elatedly 兴高采烈地面对 ~ enthusiastically 热情地面对 ~ eventually 最终面对 ~ foolishly 愚蠢地面对 ~ formally 正式地面对 ~ frankly 真诚地面对 ~ generally 普遍地面对 ~ generously 慷慨地面对 ~ glibly 圆滑地面对 ~ handsomely 大方地面对 ~ harmoniously 和谐地面对 ~ hastily 仓促地面对 ~ haughtily 傲慢地面对 ~ heroically 英勇地面对 ~ incautiously 轻易地面对 ~ indignantly 愤慨地面对 ~ insidiously 不知不觉地面对 ~ intelligently 聪明地面对 ~ laboriously 艰难地面对 ~ listlessly 无精打采地面对 ~ mistakenly 错误地面对 ~ mutually 一致面对 ~ pacifically 平和地面对 ~ peacefully 平静地面对 ~ philosophically 冷静地面对 ~ pleasantly 愉快地面对 ~ precipitately 鲁莽地面对 ~ probably 适当地面对 ~ publicly 公开地面对 ~ readily 欣然地面对 ~ reasonably 明智地面对 ~ recklessly 轻率地面对 ~ reluctantly 不情愿地面对 ~ resolutely 坚决地面对 ~ seriously 严肃地面对 ~ simultaneously 暂时地面对 ~ sincerely 诚恳地面对 ~ skilfully 巧妙地面对 ~ superficially 表面上地面对 ~ unexpectedly 出乎意外地面对 ~ unhappily 不愉快地面对 ~ utterly 完全地面对 ~ viciously 恶意地面对 ~ violently 粗暴地面对 ~ about 向后转,突然改变主意 ~ away 把脸转到一边 ~ down 朝下看 ~ out 勇敢地应对 ~ round 转动~+介词 ~ on to 俯视 ~ onto 面对 ~ to 面对 ~ towards 面对 ~ up to 勇敢地对付 ~ with 用…覆盖句型例句 用作不及物动词 ▲ S+~(+A) All the houses there face south. 那里所有房子都朝南。用作及物动词 ▲ S+~+n./pron. He turned and faced us. 他转过身面向我们。 She sat on Mother's right, facing Mary. 她坐到妈妈右边,脸朝着玛丽。 He feels nervous when he faces so many people. 面对那么多人,他感到紧张。 He sat facing the door. 他面对着门坐着。 The building faces the street. 这座楼面对大街。 My house faces the sea. 我家的房子向着大海。 It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Pacific on the west. 它东临大西洋,西临太平洋。 After such conduct she dare not face me. 她做了这件事以后不敢见我。 I'm ashamed to face people now, I've had such bad results. 我取得的成果这么差,现在我都没脸见人了。 She did not want to face those people again. 她不愿意再和那些人见面。 The next day, not wishing to face their teacher, they shut themselves up in their room. 第二天,由于不想见到他们的老师,他们关着门全天都呆在屋里。 Our school faced unprecedented difficulties. 我们学校碰到了前所未有的困难。 We still face arduous struggles. 我们面前还有艰苦的斗争。 The army often faced a serious shortage of food. 那时部队常常粮食缺得很厉害。 We must face hard work and difficulties. 我们必须正视艰难困苦。 We must face these difficulties squarely and overcome them. 我们必须正视困难,加以克服。 Face danger!Don't be afraid! 面对危险,不要害怕! What gave him the courage to face such dangers? 是什么使他有勇气面对这些危险? We must face the facts. 我们必须面对现实。 He was prepared to face the consequences. 他准备承担后果。 We share common experiences and face common tasks. 我们有共同的经历,也面临共同的任务。 He was ready to face both death and torture. 他准备好面对死亡和酷刑。 The soldiers faced death bravely. 那些士兵们视死如归。 The big problem that faced them was the lack of manpower. 他们面临的大问题是缺少人手。 They are facing a grave economic crisis. 他们面临严重的经济危机。 We can never rest content. New and greater tasks face us. 我们绝不能满足现状,我们面前还有新的更大的任务。 By getting down to all these jobs, we can certainly overcome the difficulties facing us. 认真进行这些工作,我们就一定能克服面前的困难。 The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music. 这个男生考试作弊被抓住,因此只得接受处罚。 If we are going to be punished, I don't want to face the music alone. 假如我们要受罚,我可不愿一个人去承担。 Recognizing that the whole thing was his fault, he decided to face the music. 他认识到这事全怪自己,便决定承担责任。 You may manage to get away with these dishonest practices for a while, but sooner or later you will be discovered, and then you will have to face the music. 你干这些不老实的勾当,可能一时得逞,但迟早要露马脚的,那时就要自食其果了。◇ 用于be ~ed结构 Arriving at the top of the hill, we were faced by a most impressive scene. 到达山顶时,呈现在我们面前的是一片令人惊叹的景色。▲ S+~+v-ing I could not face going there alone. 我不敢单独去那里。其他 ▲ v-ing as Attrib. It has a large window facing east. 它有一个朝东的大窗子。 Thus they have correctly solved the urgent problems facing them. 他们就这样正确地解决了摆在他们面前的紧迫问题。常用短语 ♣ face about (v.+adv.)1. 向后转 cause to turn the opposite direction 〔说明〕 face about通常不用于进行体。▲ face about About face! shouted the officer. 向后——转!军官命令道。▲ face sb ⇔ about The officer faced his men about. 军官命令士兵向后转。2. 突然改变主意 change one's opinion completely, often suddenly▲ face about The middle of an election is no time to face about. 选举中途不能改变主张。 ♣ face away (v.+adv.) 把脸转到一边 take or have a position looking in the other direction from sth/sb ▲ face away Why did you face away when you saw me yesterday? 你昨天看见我为什么把脸掉过去不理我?▲ face away from sb/sth The school faces away from the river. 学校在小河的另一边。 ♣ face down (v.+adv.)1. 朝下看 lie with one's face to the ground▲ face down Everybody face down, there are bombs coming over! 小心!有炸弹!2. (用目光)压倒;勇敢地挫败(某人) defeat an opponent with boldness▲ face sb ⇔ down The teacher faced down the angry student without saying anything. 老师什么也没说就把那个愤怒的学生降服了。 ♣ face off (v.+adv.) 发球 start a game or part of a game 〔说明〕 face off通常不用于进行体。▲ face off The two teams are in position, ready to face off. 双方队员各就各位,准备发球。▲ face sth ⇔ off John faced off the ball. 约翰发球。 ♣ face onto (v.+prep.) 面对 have the front lying opposition to a place▲ face onto sth Our new house faces onto the park. 我们的新房子面对公园。 ♣ face out (v.+adv.) 勇敢地应对 oppose or deal with bravely▲ face sb/sth ⇔ out Everyone admired the way she faced out the opposition in the debate. 大家都钦佩她在辩论中勇敢地应对对手的方法。 He faced me out that he knew nothing about the matter. 他在我面前坚持说,这件事他一点也不知道。 ♣ face round (v.+adv.) 转动(头) turn round especially with the head▲ face round Face round, please, so that I can cut your hair at the back. 转一下头,我可以剪你后面的头发。 ♣ face to (v.+prep.) 面对 stand in the direction▲ face to sth The house faces to the east. 那房子面朝东。 ♣ face toward (v.+prep.) 朝向 stand in the direction▲ face toward sth On a railway journey Mrs. Johnson liked to sit facing toward the engine. 约翰逊夫人在坐火车时喜欢面朝火车头坐。 ♣ face up to (v.+adv.+prep.) 勇敢地接受〔面对〕,正视(而不畏缩) show courage in accepting, hearing, or dealing with sth difficult or painful▲ face up to sth The boy knew he should tell his neighbour that he broke the window, but he couldn't face up to it. 那男孩知道他应该告诉邻居是他打破了窗户,但他又没有勇气这么做。 They were determined to face up to the difficulties. 他们决心面对这些困难。 The explorers faced up to terrible hardships with constant cheerfulness. 探险家们一直以愉快的心情面对极大的艰险。 We hope they will face up to the grave situation prevailing there. 我们希望他们能正视那儿的严重局势。 He won't face up to the fact that he is too old for the job. 他年岁太大不宜干这工作,他却不愿面对这一事实。 We are bankrupt and must face up to the fact. 我们破产了,必须正视这一事实。 They argued with him, but he could not face up to reality. 他们和他辩论,但是他仍不能正视现实。 Most of them faced up to the hardships of pioneering without thought of personal gain or loss. 他们大多数人不计个人得失,不畏创业的艰辛。 She could not face up to the prospect of living in reduced circumstances. 她没有勇气面对每况愈下的生活前景。 The greater our achievements, the more we should face up to our shortcomings. 我们的成绩越大,就越要正视我们的缺点。 ♣ face with (v.+prep.)▲ face sb/sth with sth 1. 使面临;把…摆在面前 force to meet or deal with; bring face to face with The police faced the prisoner with a simple choice: he could either give the names of his companions, or go to prison. 警察让犯人面临一个简单的选择:要么说出同伙的名字,要么进监狱。◇ 用于be ~ed结构 Now we are faced with the task of construction, and must master all modern knowledge before all else. 现在我们面临着建设的任务,首先必须掌握现代知识。 He was faced with the severe financial burden of caring for a wife and five children. 他面临要照顾妻子和五个孩子这样严重的经济负担。 It was faced with the greatest social upheaval since World War Ⅱ. 它面临第二次世界大战以来最大的社会动乱。2. 用…覆盖,抹上 cover a surface with sth, especially another material◇ 用于be ~ed结构 The house has a wooden frame which is faced with brick. 这个房子是木质结构的砖瓦房。 The front of the brick house was faced with cement. 这栋砖房的正面抹了一层水泥。 It is filled with earth and faced with brick and stone. 它里面填着土,外面用砖和石头砌起来。词语辨异 ♣ face, face up to, face with1. face指“面对”或“面临”某种形势或困难。2. face up to表示“勇敢地面对”,指不但正视问题或困难,而且采取行动去解决它。例如: They faced up to the fresh problem with their usual courage and ingenuity. 他们以惯常的勇气和机智去对付这个新问题。3. face with则表示“面临”“遇到”。例如: We were faced with two alternatives. 我们面对着两种抉择。 ♣ face, face on to, face to, face toward face 和由face构成的这几个短语都可表示“面对”,常可互换。其区别在于:face to多用于建筑物,少用于人;face toward多用于人, face on to则强调“正对着”或“直对着”,强调其精确程度。 ♣ face, confront, encounter, meet 1. face较口语化,用途很广,除表示“对,朝”之外,含有直接地、通常是面对面地与对方会见,有正视、面对、不企图逃避的意思,更强调果断、有胆量地面对一些事。语气比confront强。2. confront较严肃,是书面语,也含有直接地、通常是面对面地与对方会见的意思,它着重于无法避免的面对面地相遇。当主语是人时,还通常暗示这样的会见是出于决心面对困难或解决某一问题。例如: He confronted his enemies bravely. 他英勇地面对敌军。 As soon as he was confronted with the evidence, he confessed. 拿出证据与他对质时,他就招供了。3. encounter强调偶然地“不期而遇”,也指冲突中的“遭遇”,或“遭遇”困难、危险等,只用作及物动词。例如: I encountered a friend on the plane. 我在飞机上遇到了一个朋友。 I encountered many difficulties when I first started this job. 我刚干这一工作时,碰上很多困难。4. meet是普通用语,使用范围比encounter广泛,可指主动地,预先约好的,也可指偶然的“遇到(迎面而来的人),迎接(人),跟(人)结识,跟(人)洽谈”等。meet可用作不及物动词。例如: When do we meet again? 我们下次什么时候见面? I was fortunate enough to meet Mary at dinner. 我真有幸在宴会上结识了玛丽。 If he comes this way, we'll probably meet him. 如果他从这条路来,我们或许会碰见他。 We shall do our best to meet the difficulty. 我们将尽力应付困难。 The river meets the ocean at the city of New York. 那条江在纽约汇入大西洋。 That's where the two streets meet. 那是两街相交之处。正误解析 1. 他们在这一斗争中面临新的共同任务。 [误] They are faced by new, common tasks in this struggle. [正] They are faced with new, common tasks in this struggle. 他们面临极其困难的局面。 [误] They were faced by an exceptionally difficult situation. [正] They were faced with an exceptionally difficult situation. [析] 在be faced with表示“面临…”时介词用with,不能用by. 2. 他面临着被社会抛弃的危险。 [误] He faced to be isolated from society. [正] He faced being isolated from society. [析] face用作动词时其后可接动名词,但不可接动词不定式。 3. 这住房朝东。 [误] The flat faces the east. [正] The flat faces to〔on〕 the east. [正] The flat faces east. [析] face表示建筑朝向时,可直接接副词,也可接"to〔on〕+名词”,介词后表示方位的名词必须加定冠词。 补充资料 [同义词] n. appearance, front, look, surface v. confront, cover, defy, dress, encounter, surface [词源] 民间拉丁语facia<拉丁语facies(面,面貌) |