

词组 man
释义 man
mann. [mæn] (men)
1. C 男人,成年男子  adult male human being
2. C 人  human being of either sex; person
3. S 人类  the human race; mankind
1. man用作可数名词可指“人,男人,男子汉”,表示“具有男子汉精神〔气概〕”时, man前常加不定冠词。
2. man用作不可数名词时,可表示“人类”,可与mankind换用,其前常不加冠词,作为单数名词跟单数动词连用。man用作复数常表示“水手,(军队的)士兵,手下的人,雇员”等。
3. man在口语中还可表示“丈夫,恋人”。man有时还用作称呼语,含有戏谑、轻蔑的意味。
4. men and women是固定短语,词序不能颠倒,意为“男女”。
5. man还可表示“棋子”。
 ask a ~ 问一个〔男〕人
 attract a ~ 吸引〔诱惑〕一个〔男〕人
 beg a ~ to do sth 恳求一个〔男〕人做某事
 deal with a ~ 对付一个〔男〕人
 fall in love with a ~ 爱上一个男人
 find a ~ 找到一个〔男〕人
 fit a ~ 迎合一个〔男〕人
 get a ~ 得到一个〔男〕人
 help a ~ 帮助一个〔男〕人
 kill a ~ 杀死一个〔男〕人
 know a ~ 知道〔认识〕一个〔男〕人
 look down upon a ~ 轻视一个人,瞧不起一个〔男〕人
 love a ~ 爱上一个男人
 make a ~ of sb 使某人成人,使某人成器
 marry a ~ 嫁给一个男人
 pick out a ~ 选拔一个〔男〕人
 please a ~ 使男人高兴
 recognize a ~ 辨认出一个〔男〕人
 send a ~ to 把一个人派往
 able ~ 有能力的人
 average ~ 普通人
 blue-eyed ~ 蓝眼睛的人
 broken ~ 潦倒的人
 capable ~ 有能力的人
 cold-blooded ~ 冷血的人
 double-faced ~ 口是心非的人,耍两面派的人
 drowning ~ 落水的人
 drunken ~ 醉汉
 eager ~ 热心肠的人
 educated ~ 有教养的人
 fat ~ 胖人
 foolish ~ 蠢人
 good-hearted ~ 好心的人
 good-sized ~ 大块头的人
 half-hearted ~ 三心二意的人
 hard-handed ~ 双手坚硬有力的男人
 heavy ~ 思想迟钝的〔说话不流利的〕笨人
 indifferent ~ 平庸的人
 key ~ 重要人物
 leading ~ 男主角
 learned ~ 博学的人
 live ~ 精力旺盛的人
 mean ~ 低俗的人
 missing ~ 失踪的人
 normal ~ 正常的人
 old ~ 老人
 peaceful ~ 喜爱安静的人
 poor ~ 穷困的人
 red-handed ~ 正在犯罪的人
 self-made ~ 白手起家的人
 warm-hearted ~ 热心肠的人
 well-read ~ 博学的人
 worthy ~ 高尚的人,要人
 young ~ 年轻人
 business ~ 实业家
 weather ~ 气象员
 rights of ~ 人权
 to the last ~ 一致
 ~ about town 经常出没于游乐场所者,上流社会人士
 ~ for the job 适合此工作的人
 ~ in the street 一般公众
 ~ of decision 果断的人
 ~ of few wants 欲望很少的人
 ~ of great promise 有远大前途的人
 ~ of great strength 非常有力气的人
 ~ of name 知名人士
 ~ of no name 无名小卒
 ~ of power 有权势的人
 ~ of strong build 体格强壮的人
 ~ of taste 有鉴赏力的人
 ~ of understanding 善解人意的人
 ~ of wealth 富人
 ~ of word 守信用的人
 ~ of the world 饱经世故的人
 ~ on the street 一般公众
 ~ with type O O 型血的人
 Ask the men to come in, but not the boys or women. 请男人们进来,不要请男孩或者女人们。
 The actor in role of an old man wears false whiskers. 扮演老头的演员戴着假胡子。
 This TV play is so interesting that men and women, boys and girls like to watch it. 这部电视剧非常有趣,男女老少都爱看。
 Mike is a man of charm and cultivation. 迈克是一个既有魅力又有教养的男子。
 He is a man of great culture. 他是一个有高度文化修养的人。
 He is a man of great influence in this town. 他在这个镇上是很有影响力的人。
 He is a man of many abilities. 他是个极有才能的人。
 He is a man of very limited horizons. 他是一个见识有限的人。
 All men must die. 所有人都不免一死。
 Any man can see that. 任何人都能看到这一点。
 Don't joke with a man in anger. 不要和动怒的人开玩笑。
 It is an act of kindness to help a blind man. 帮助盲人是一种善意的行为。
 A year ago this man assumed control of the company's finance. 一年以前,这个人控制了该公司的财权。
 We became afraid of the angry aspect of the man. 我们害怕那人生气的样子。
 Who is that man in a brown hat? 戴棕色帽子的那个人是谁?
 The young man is full of new ideas. 那年轻人有一肚子新主意。
 If you owe money to a man, he may attach part of your salary unless you pay him. 如果你欠某人的钱,他可以扣留你的部分薪金,除非你偿还他。
 War can really bring out the brute in a man. 战争能真正把人的兽性显露出来。
 Man and the monkey have many things in common. 人和猿有许多共同之处。
 Man will conquer nature. 人类将征服自然。
 Man must fight for his own existence. 人类必须为自己的生存奋斗。
 Man's knowledge of things constantly develops. 人类的认识是不断发展的。
 Man is fighting a battle against pollution. 人类正在开展一场反污染战。
 The moon is our nearest neighbour in space and men have visited it already. 月球在宇宙中是我们最近的邻居,人类已在它上面留下过足迹。
 Her old man is very healthy. 她老伴身体很好。
 The woman has a young man. 那妇女有一个年轻的恋人。
 Her man has been sent overseas by his employers. 她的丈夫已被雇主派往海外。
 The manager gave the men his instructions. 经理给雇员下达了指示。
 The officer is training the men. 那军官正在训练士兵。
 There are four thousand present, officers and men. 在场的官兵共四千人。
 Nonsense, man! 胡扯!
 Use your knife, man! 用一下你的刀子,老兄!
 Like master, like men. 有其主必有其仆,有其君必有其臣。
 In fighting the sudden flood he was really a man. 在和突然爆发的洪水作斗争时,他真像个男子汉。
 ♣ a man about town
 经常出没娱乐场所的人,花花公子 man who spends much time at fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc.
 He is a wild young man about town. 他是一个年轻浪荡的花花公子。
 I should describe him as a man about town. 我该把他描绘成一个花花公子。
 ♣ a man of straw
1. 貌似有力的人物 person of apparent, but not real power
 What he said in the talk showed he was a man of straw. 在会谈中他的话表明他毫无实权。
 Some of these politicians are just men of straw. 这些政治家中有的人是没有实权的。
2. 想象的敌手,很弱的对手 imaginary or very weak person presented as an opponent
 He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor. 他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。
 ♣ as one man
 一齐,一致 acting unanimously; with everyone agreeing
 The staff speak as one man on this issue. 在这个问题上全体职员意见一致。
 They rose as one man and applauded to his speech. 他们全体起立为他的发言鼓掌。
 They answered his question as one man. 他们齐声回答他的问题。
 ♣ be man enough (to do sth)
 有足够的勇气 be brave enough
 You're not man enough to fight me! 你没有那个胆量跟我打!
 ♣ be one's own man
 能独立自主,能自主 be able to arrange and decide things independently
 His expression hardened at the thought of working for somebody else, of no longer being his own man. 一想到他要为别人工作,不能当家作主,他的脸色立刻沉了下来。
 ♣ be sb's man
 正是所需要的人 be the person required or ideally suited for a task
 If you need a driver, I'm your man. 你要是需要司机,我当最合适。
 If you want a good music teacher, he's your man. 你们要是缺个好的音乐教师,他就是最理想的人选。
 ♣ every man for himself (and the devil take the hindmost)
 人各为己 everyone must look after his own interests, safety, etc.
 In business, it's every man for himself. 在商言商,人各为己。
 ♣ every man Jack
 人人,每个人 every single person
 Every man Jack of them ran off and left me! 他们一个个都跑了,把我撇下。
 All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them. 全体员工要求增加工资。
 ♣ hit〔kick〕 a man when he's down
 继续打击或伤害已失败的人,落井下石 continue to attack or injure sb who is already defeated
 It's hitting a man when he's down to find fault with Joe over every tiny little mistake when he is almost off his head with worry over his wife's illness. 当乔为他的妻子生病而忧虑得几乎神经错乱时,还为了点小缺点去找他的岔子,这是乘人之危进行打击。
 ♣ make a man (out) of
 使某人长大成人 turn a young man into an adult
 The army will make a man of him. 军队将把他锻炼成人。
 This work will make a man of him. 这工作将使他成为男子汉。
 ♣ man and boy
 (指男子)从小到大 from boyhood onwards
 He has worked for the firm, man and boy, for thirty years. 从小至今,他已为该商行干了30年。
 ♣ man to man
 诚恳地;公开地 frankly; openly
 Man to man, I think you should admit your mistakes. 坦诚地说,我认为你应该承认自己的错误。
 If we don't agree to talk man to man the whole meeting will have been wasted. 如果我们不能开诚布公地交谈,那么整个会议就是浪费时间。
 ♣ the man in the street
 一般人,普通人 the average ordinary person of either sex
 The man in the street is opposed to this idea. 老百姓反对这种想法。
 The newspaper took a poll of the man in the street. 该报对群众进行了民意调查。
 ♣ to a man
 所有人,毫无例外 without exception
 To a man, they answered "Yes". 他们都一致回答“是”。
 They obeyed him, to a man. 他们每一个人都服从。
 The committee, to a man, adopted the proposal. 委员会全体一致采纳了这个建议。
 ♣ to the last man
 所有人,毫无例外 without exception
 The Arab people will fight it out to the last man. 阿拉伯人要打到底,直到最后一人。
 ♣ man, one
 Every man must follow his own beliefs. 每个人都要有自己的信仰。
 One should do one's best for the country. 人应对自己的国家尽忠。
 One should respect one's parents. 人应该尊敬自己的父母。
 ♣ man, mankind
1. 人必定在一个变化的世界中变化。
 [误] The man must change in a changing world.
 [正] Man must change in a changing world.
 [析] man作“人”“人类”的总称解时,多为单数,且前面不加冠词。
2. 当前,人们对他们的环境漠不关心。
 [误] Nowadays, man is totally indifferent to their environment.
 [正] Nowadays, man is totally indifferent to his environment.
 [析] man虽指“全体人类”,但常用he, his一类代词来指代。
 如果一个男人带有女性性格上的弱点,如办事拖拉、胆小、气量狭窄、婆婆妈妈等,也可讽刺把他说成woman. 例如:
 Woman of both sex in the Parliament made a big noise against the bill. 议会中婆婆妈妈的议员们都对这个法案大叫着反对。
manv. [mæn] (mans; manned; manning)
1. vt.给…配备人员;操纵  staff; provide with men for operation
2. vt.使振作  strengthen one's spirits or courage
1. man用作动词表示“为…配备人员”“操纵,操作”,后面常接车、船等之类的名词作宾语。还可作“使振作精神”解,其后常接反身代词。
2. man可用于被动结构。
 ~ ten ships 给十只船配备人员
 ~ the guns (对炮手说)各就各位
 ~ the telephone switchboard 在电话总机上值机
 ~ oneself for dangers ahead 鼓起勇气,迎着危险上
 ~ the boat with a replacement crew 给船提供轮换船员
 ~ the ship with sailors 给那只船配备水手
 ~ the guns with soldiers 为大炮配备人员
▲ S+~+n./pron.
 Man the guns! 各就各位!
 They can man ten ships. 他们可给十只船配备人员。
 The girls will man the telephone switchboard till we get back. 姑娘们将在电话总机上值机,直到我们回来。
 The workers were assigned to man the production. 许多工人被派到生产线上进行操作。
 Man yourself! 振作起来!
 When the danger was imminent he told me to man myself. 危险迫近时他叫我振作起来。
◇ 用于be ~ed结构
 The warship was manned by experienced officers. 舰艇配备了战斗经验丰富的军官。
 The ship was manned by women. 这条船是由妇女驾驶的。
 The tank was manned by a crew of four. 这种坦克由四个人操纵。
 ♣ man with (v.+prep.)
 给…提供服务人员或操作人员 supply sth with men, or sometimes, women for service or to operate sth
▲ man sth with sb
 Man the boat with a replacement crew. 给船提供轮换船员。
 They manned the ship with sailors. 他们给那只船配备了水手。
 The colonel manned the guns with soldiers from our regiment. 上校从我们团抽掉士兵为那些大炮配备人员。
 The management manned the ship with experienced hands. 经理部门给这艘船配备了有经验的人手。
 [同义词] n. adult, attendant, body, boyfriend, fellow, guy, human, male, partner, servant, soldier, workman v. crew, fill, occupy, operate, staff
 [词源] 古英语mann(人,男人)




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