

词组 premiere
释义 premiere
      The verb premiere is resoundingly rejected by the major usage panels, although most commentators take no notice of it and dictionaries treat it as standard. The panelists tend to regard it as jargon, in part because of its derivation from the noun premiere, which, in their opinion, makes it a noun misused as a verb, and in part because of its origins in the world of show business. It is also a fairly new word, although not as new as some might suppose. We first encountered it in 1933, and by the 1940s it had established itself in regular use as both a transitive and intransitive verb:
      ... the Paris Opéra plans to premiere an old work of Jean Cocteau and Arthur Honegger —Modern Music, November-December 1942
      The latter two houses première foreign films —Parker Tyler, Tomorrow, March 1945
      The night Crosby premiered —Newsweek, 28 Oct. 1946
      ... the new show premiered on June 26 —Newsweek, 2 Aug. 1948
      Its use continues to be common today:
      ... Trollope will premiere on television in the midst of the latest squall in Anglo-American relations — Karl E. Meyer, Saturday Rev., 22 Jan. 1977
      ... when the play was premiered in 1889 —Ronald Hayman, Times Literary Supp., 28 Jan. 1983
      Anyone determined to avoid it will find that it has no exact synonym. Open can sometimes be used in place of the intransitive premiere, but it less strongly denotes a "first ever" public performance than does the longer word, and in many cases it is simply unidiomatic. A television program or musical composition, for example, could not be said to "open." Open is also unidiomatic in transitive use—you could not say "The Paris Opéra plans to open an old work...." Of course, one may always replace premiere with a phrase, as in " ... the new show was first performed on June 26" or " ... Crosby performed for the first time on television but the necessity of such revision seems dubious. The verb premiere may have deserved to be called "jargon" fifty years ago, but in current English it is just another available verb, and we recommend that you regard it as such.




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