

词组 prerequisite
释义 prerequisite
 1. The noun prerequisite is usually followed by for or to when it takes a preposition:
      In other countries land reform is a prerequisite for democracy —Bruce Bliven, New Republic, 12 Nov. 1945
      The prerequisite for graduate work ... is an undergraduate major in one of the departments concerned —Bulletin of the University of Minnesota Graduate School, 1952-1954
      ... declaring that the prerequisite for destroying fascism was a socialist revolution in England —Irving Howe, Harper's, 1969
      The pictures ... were not notable for good draftsmanship—a prerequisite for surrealism —Anthony Burgess, MF, 1971
      A general background of content in liberal arts courses is a necessary prerequisite to professional training —Catalogue: The College of William & Mary, April 1952
      ... he answered the questions put to him by the Senators as a prerequisite to his confirmation —Current Biography 1949
      ... strengthening the bulwarks of academic freedom that... are an essential prerequisite to ... your glorious future —Albert L. Nickerson, University of Chicago Round Table, 24 Jan. 1954
      Sometimes prerequisite is used with of:
      ... he possesses the prerequisite of an original poet—a percipience ... exact and exhilarating —C. Day Lewis, A Hope for Poetry, 3d ed., 1936
      ... the prerequisite of all German political parties, a daily newspaper in which to preach the party's gospels —William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, 1960
 2. See perquisite, prerequisite.
      The adjective prerequisite is usually followed by to when it takes a preposition:
      ... the interaction of the opposite forces of attraction and repulsion was prerequisite to the existence of material objects —S. F. Mason, Main Currents of Scientific Thought, 1953
      ... contained most of the ingredients prerequisite to box-office success —Current Biography, May 1966
      The ability to perform that slight distortion of all the elements in the world of a play ... which is prerequisite to great farce... —T. S. Eliot, "Philip Massinger," in Selected Essays, 1932




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