chronic ~s慢性病 common ~s常见病 minor ~s小病,微恙 trifling ~s轻症
childhood ~s儿童期小病 heart ~心脏病 women's ~s妇女病
~s of old age老年病
Colds and other ailments are common in winter.冬天常发生感冒等疾病。 His ailment was only an upset stomach.他的病只是胃有点不舒服。 Children often have minor ailments.儿童经常会生小病。 She's always ill, always has some little ailment bothering her.她总是生病,总是有一些小毛病困扰她。 It is a common ailment.这是常见的病。 He keeps on telling me about his ailments.他老是和我絮叨他的小毛小病。 My uncles and aunts just talked about their ailments.我的叔婶们只是谈论他们的病情。 He's always complaining of some ailment or other.他总抱怨自己的身体这儿不舒服,那儿不对劲。 He's prone to minor ailments.他小病不断。