

词组 anyhow
释义 anyhow
anyhowadv. [′enɪhaʊ]
1.不管怎样说,无论如何,至少  in spite of that
2.不论用何种方法,无论从什么角度  anyway
3.随随便便地,杂乱无章地  carelessly, without regular order
1. anyhow的意思是“不管怎样,无论如何,反正”,常用来表示已经说过的事无关紧要,重要的是下面要说的话。
2. anyhow还可用于继续讲述故事或交谈中改变话题,表示“不论用何种方法,无论从什么角度”。
3. anyhow不用于比较等级。
 He told me not to buy it, but I bought it anyhow. 他告诉我不要买它,但不管怎样,我还是买了。
 I can see as well as you, anyhow. 不管怎么说,我看得和你一样清楚。
 I don't think it will work but I'll try anyhow. 我看这事儿成不了,不过我至少可以试一试。
 The answer is wrong anyhow you look at it. 不管从哪个角度看,这个答案都是错误的。
 The car stopped and I couldn't start it anyhow. 汽车熄火了,我怎么也发动不起来。
 Her clothes were thrown down just anyhow. 她的衣服随便乱扔。
 He leaves his books about anyhow. 他把书摊得到处都是。
 "Well, anyhow, I rang the bell." “好吧,不管好歹,反正我按铃了。”
 "Well, anyhow, it was nice talking to you but I've got to go now." “嗯,这个,跟你谈话真愉快,不过我现在一定得走了。”




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