

词组 brain
释义 brain
brainn. [breɪn] (brains)
1. C 大脑,脑子  the part inside the head of a person or an animal that thinks and feels
2. U 脑浆,脑髓  organ of the body that consisting of a mass of soft grey matter inside the head
3. U C 智慧,智力  the ability to think clearly, quickly, and well
4. C 聪明的人,智囊人物  a person with a good mind
1. brain的意思是“大脑”“脑子”,是可数名词,指人体的神经中枢,用来控制人的思想、记忆或感情等。单数形式指一个人脑子的整体,复数形式指脑子的各部分。brain还可表示“智慧”“智力”,作此解时常用其复数形式brains,可用them之类的词指代。
2. brain可引申表示“聪明的人”“智囊人物”,指有头脑或有才能的人,其复数形式brains指“计划者,设计者”,多见于新闻媒体。
3. brains还可作“脑浆”“脑髓”解,表示单数意义是不可数名词。
4. brain表示“智慧,智力”时可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词,常用复数形式。
 beat one's ~ over 对…冥思苦想
 blow out sb's ~s 把某人的脑袋打开花
 have ~s 有头脑
 lack ~s 缺乏头脑
 muddle the ~ 使头脑糊涂
 operate on ~ 对大脑施行手术
 pick sb's ~ 采用某人的主张,抄袭他人的想法
 tax one's ~ 费脑筋,苦思
 turn sb's ~ 使某人得意忘形,冲昏某人的头脑
 use one's ~ 动脑筋
 clear-thinking ~ 思路清晰的头脑
 disordered ~ 混乱的头脑
 fine ~ 头脑灵活
 political ~ 政治头脑
 animal ~ 动物大脑
 human ~ 人脑,人类智慧
 ~ trust 智囊团
 on the ~ 念念不忘,热衷于
 writer with ~s 有头脑的作家
 He burst one of his brain vessels. 他的一根脑血管破了。
 The surgeon operated on his brain. 外科医生对他做脑部手术。
 The human brain is a complex brain. 人的大脑是个复杂的器官。
 He has a mathematical brain. 他有数学头脑。
 He has a fine brain. 他脑子好用。
 He has got a lot of brains. 他足智多谋。
 He has very little brains. 他头脑简单。
 He hasn't much brains. 他没有多少智慧。
 Two brains are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮。
 I hired you for your brains, so why don't you use them? 我是雇你来出主意想办法的,干吗不动动你的脑筋?
 She's a clever girl with plenty of brains. 她是一个聪明而又很有才华的女孩子。
 John is the brain of the family. 约翰是他家里的智囊。
 Some of the best brains in the country are here tonight. 国内一些智囊人物今晚都出席了。
 Sheep's brains is his favourite dish. 羊脑是他喜爱的佳肴。
 ♣ beat one's brains out
1. 碰破头 bit one's head and make it be bloody
 When he fell from the cliff, he beat his brains out. 他掉下悬崖,摔得头破血流。
2. 绞尽脑汁 spend a lot of time thinking or worrying about sth
 I've been beating my brains out all day over that report, and I still can't find a way to make my suggestions politely. 一天来我为那份报告绞尽了脑汁,可还是没找到婉转地提出建议的方法。
 ♣ blow one's brains out
 对准脑袋开枪自杀 shoot him through the head
 Twice Robert Clive tried to blow his own brains out, and both times he failed. 罗伯特·克莱夫两次企图开枪射击头部自杀,但都没有成功。
 When his plans all failed, the chairman blew his brains out. 这位董事长的计划完全失败后,他对准脑袋开枪自杀了。
 ♣ brain drain
 人才外流 brain gone to outside
 As a result of the brain drain Britain does not have enough doctors. 由于人才外流,英国缺乏医生。
 That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 我参加的那次数学考试实在是伤透脑筋的一次考试。
 ♣ bruise one's brains
 苦苦思索 think sth hard
 I was bruising my brains trying to think where I had seen him. 我在拼命回想,在哪里见过他。
 ♣ have on the brains
 一心想着某事物,对某事物入迷 think about sth constantly, be obsessed by sth
▲ have sth on the brains
 I've had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it's called. 我脑海里整天回荡着这个曲调,但我想不起来叫什么。
 ♣ sb's brains need washing
 某人该洗脑,某人的错误思想应该加以纠正 correct one's mistake thought
 〔说明〕 此短语中只能用brains.
 If that's what you think, your brains need washing. 如果你真是那样想的话,应予以纠正。
 ♣ the brains
 智力超群的人 cleverest person in a group
 He's the brains of the family. 他是全家最聪明的人。
 ♣ the brains behind〔of〕...
 …的策划者  the designer of sth
 Tom was alleged to be the brains behind the Dozier kidnapping. 据说绑架杜兹是汤姆策划的。
 He was the brains behind several prestige building projects in the 1930s. 在20世纪30年代,他是好几处享有盛誉的建筑的设计者。
 She was the brains behind the whole scheme. 她是整个方案的背后主脑。
 He was the brains of conspiracy. 他是阴谋的策划者。
 ♣ use one's brains
 开动脑筋 start to think sth
 That'll teach them to use their hands along with their brains. 那会给他们一个教训,遇事不仅要用手而且还要开动脑筋。
 [误] He has many brains.
 [正] He has much brains.
 [析] brains是不可数名词,因此不可用many或few来修饰,而应用much或little.
1. 下面三个句子意思相同:
He beat his brains with algebra problems.
He beat his brains to do algebra problems.
He beat his brains doing algebra problems.

2. 表示“智囊团”,英国人用brains trust,美国人用brain trust.
 [同义词] common, intellect, intelligence, reason, sense, understanding
 [反义词] dullness, imbecility, stupidity
 [词源] 古英语brægen (脑)




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