

词组 gentleman
释义 gentleman
gentlemann. [′dʒentlmǝn] (gentlemen)
1. C 上等人,绅士,君子  man who is polite and shows consideration for the feelings of other people; man who always acts in an honourable way
2. C 男人,先生  a man
3. C 富贵闲人  man of wealth and social position, especially one who does not work for a living
1. gentleman的意思是“上等人,绅士,君子”。主要指那些出身及社会地位较上层的男士。gentleman也可指“有教养的、诚实的人”。gentleman也可指“男人,先生”,指无论人品还是操行都无可挑剔的人。gentleman还可作“富贵闲人,富绅”解,指有钱,有闲暇,有社会地位,不需要为生活操劳的人。
2. gentleman的复数形式应为gentlemen,而不是gentlemans.
3. 与gentleman相对应的阴性名词是lady.
4. gentlemen可用于直接称呼一群男人。正式发言的开头可用ladies and gentlemen,女士在前;若在非正式场合,也可使用gentlemen and ladies.
5. the gentleman('s) 在英国作“男厕所”解,用作单数。
 complete ~ 十足的绅士
 every inch a ~ 完全是一副绅士的派头
 middle-aged ~ 中年绅士
 old ~ 老绅士
 perfect ~ 十足的绅士
 real ~ 真正的绅士
 the Grand Old G- 元老
 true ~ 真正的绅士
 young ~ 年轻绅士
 country ~ 乡绅
 ~ by birth 出身高贵的人
 ~ in black 恶魔
 ~ of fortune 冒险家
 ~ of the old school 老派绅士
 ~ of the press 新闻记者
 ~ of the road 拦路强盗
 If he is anything of a gentleman, he will pay the money. 倘若他真是上等人,他会付这笔钱的。
 A gentleman should never reflect on another person's motives unless he has good reason for doing so. 绅士绝不应该怀疑别人的动机,除非他有足够的理由这样做。
 A new Bluebird stopped in front of the door, and a gentleman helped a tall lady in it. 一辆蓝鸟牌汽车停在门口,一位绅士搀扶着一位高个女士进入汽车。
 The old gentleman was so evidently past all reason. 那位年老绅士显然没有道理。
 A true gentleman is above envy, jealousy or vindictiveness. 真君子是坦荡而无妒忌、猜疑或报复之心的。
 Please show this gentleman out. 请送这位先生出去。
 Not once did the gentleman mention his feeling. 那位老先生从来没有提到过他的感受。
 Who's the gentleman in the corner? 墙角的那位男子是谁?
 He is a gentleman by birth. 他出身高贵。
 Harry dressed like a gentleman, and lived expensively. 哈里打扮得像个富绅,生活奢侈腐化。
 I tell you, gentlemen, this cloth is of the finest quality. 告诉你们,先生们,这种布质量最好。
 Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to begin. 女士们,先生们,该开会了。
 Perhaps these gentlemen and ladies will allow me to offer them a glass too. 这些先生们和女士们大概会允许我来敬他们一杯吧。
 ♣ gentleman's agreement
 君子协定 unwritten agreement kept to because of integrity of the parties concerned
 I've not signed contract with him but we've got a gentleman's agreement, and that's good enough for me. 我没同他签订契约,但我们有君子协定,对我说来,那就够了。
 [误] Gentleman Wu went abroad last month.
 [正] Mr. Wu went abroad last month.
 [误] I tell you, Gentleman, this cloth is of the finest quality.
 [正] I tell you, Sir, this cloth is of the finest quality.
 [析] 作为男人姓名前的称呼,表示尊敬之意要用Mr.,不能用gentleman. 若直接称呼一个单个男子时,可用sir来代替gentleman.
 [同义词] gent, sir, esquire
 [词源] 中古英语<古法语gentil(高贵,高尚的)




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