

词组 air
释义 air
      Copperud 1970, 1980 finds the verb air "broadcast" unexceptionable, and Janis 1984 agrees. Earlier the term had been objected to as jargon by Bernstein 1958; Harper 1975, 1985 agrees with Bernstein. Bernstein had condemned the word in a 1955 Winners & Sinners; the Morrises seem to have had this "new" verb called to their attention by a correspondent in 1971. But the verb had been appearing in print for at least 15 years when Bernstein spotted it in a New York Times headline. Our earliest citations are essentially technical, but by 1943 air had appeared in fiction:
      "Now, now, boys!" said the account executive genially. "The program isn't aired until three o'clock!" —Marguerite Lyon, And So to Bedlam, 1943
      By 1945 it was appearing in the weekly news magazines:
      The Post, Times, Daily Mirror, and Journal-American all aired special news programs —Time, 16 July 1945
      And it had become quite common by the end of the 1940s:
      ... which has been aired at one time or another on the four major radio networks —Current Biography 1948
      ... the local radio station was going to air it —Christopher Morley, The Man Who Made Friends with Himself, 1949
      Henry Morgan and Herb Sheldon each air at 6:30 p.m. —The Billboard, 15 Apr. 1950
      Our evidence shows no diminution of use. You may safely follow Copperud and Janis, whose judgment on the word is sound for this late in the second half of the 20th century. But you can always use broadcast if you happen not to like air.




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