

词组 monopoly
释义 monopoly
      Monopoly is used with several prepositions. Shaw 1972 and Bernstein 1965 prescribe the use of of, while Evans 1957 says that the use of of 'is British and the use of on is American. According to our evidence, of has been the preposition most commonly used with monopoly on both sides of the Atlantic, and probably still was when Shaw and Bernstein were writing:
      ... our illusions ... that we have a monopoly of energy, know-how, culture and morality —Adlai E. Stevenson, Look, 22 Sept. 1953
      ... a monopoly of atomic weapons —Barry Gold-water, The Conscience of a Conservative, 1960
      ... the clergy had enjoyed a fairly close monopoly of trained intelligence —G. M. Trevelyan, English Social History, 1942
      The richer countries' monopoly of science and technology — Times Literary Supp., 27 Aug. 1971
      However, Evans may well have been detecting a trend, as our evidence for the past 25 years indicates that the use of monopoly on has been increasing in American English and is now probably more common than monopoly of, although monopoly of is still quite common:
      No one has a monopoly on virtue or truth —Bill Moyers, quoted in N. Y. Herald Tribune, 4 Jan, 1964
      In the cities, however, cadre members can still be easily singled out by ... their monopoly on conversation —Jonathan Mirsky, Saturday Rev., 1 July 1972
      ... the Soviet Union has a monopoly on the best sable —Angela Taylor, N Y. Times, 29 May 1976
      ... possessing as it does a shared monopoly of national television journalism —Detroit News, 23 Sept. 1981
      There still appears to be no use of monopoly on in British English.
      Monopoly is also used, although less frequently, with in and over:
      ... exercising a complete and official monopoly in that field since January 1950 —Current Biography 1953
      ... we believe that monopoly in anything, including monopoly in religion, is a source of corruption — Reinhold Niebuhr, quoted in Time, 29 Sept. 1947
      ... entrenched institutional interests that had previously obtained a monopoly over beliefs in, say, astronomy —John Dewey, Freedom and Culture, 1939
      ... give English merchants an almost complete monopoly over the colonial import trade —Leon H. Canfield & Howard B. Wilder, The Making of Modern America, 1962
      Although Shaw mentions use of monopoly for, our files show scant evidence for it:
      ... a few among them possessed a virtual monopoly for the underwriting of government loans —Rondo E. Cameron, Jour, of Political Economy, December 1953




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