

词组 originate
释义 originate
      Originate, when used with a preposition, is most often used with in:
      The reports as presented in these meetings all originate in widely separated company departments — James K. Blake, Dun's, January 1954
      ... television programs originating in Richmond — NEA Jour., January 1965
      Virginia Woolf: The Inward Voyage shows signs of having originated in a doctoral dissertation —Times Literary Supp., 30 July 1971
      A little less often, originate is used with from:
      Originating from a commingling of Indians with runaway slaves, these people had fled ... —American Guide Series: Texas, 1940
      ... arranged for ten organ recitals originating from the Germanic Museum to be broadcast over CBS — Current Biography 1950
  is also used with as, at, on, out of outside of and with:
      The classical view is that the earth originated as a hot body —A. E. Benfield, Scientific American Reader, 1953
      The system originated at the end of World War I — Current Biography 1950
      ... the concept of the separable soul has been originated on primitive "scientific" grounds —Weston La Barre, 772E- Human Animal, 1954
      A poem does not originate out of an impulse to communicate —John Hall Wheelock, TV. Y. Times Book Rev., 23 May 1954
      ... in the case of families that originated outside of North America —Ernst Mayr, Wilson Bulletin, March 1946
      Mr. Lowell... issued the invitation, but the idea had originated with Lawrence Henderson —Lucien Price, Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead, 1954




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