

词组 as such
释义 as such
      Copperud 1970 notes a couple of his sources find as such sometimes used meaninglessly; Evans 1957 makes the same observation. "The test of its utility," says Copperud, "is to leave the expression out and decide whether anything is lost." You must remember, though, that what is lost may not be meaning but a desired rhythm or emphasis. The real test of utility here is made by your ear—the question is not only whether the sentence will stand without as such but also whether it sounds better to you with the phrase in or out. Here are a few examples you may judge. In the first, as such is used for emphasis, and the speaker obviously thought it essential to his meaning:
      The U.S. has no commitment and no purpose to defend the coastal islands as such. I repeat, as such —John Foster Dulles, quoted in Time, 28 Feb. 1955
      The love of humanity as such is mitigated by violent dislike of the next-door neighbor —The Wit and Wisdom of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. A. H. Johnson, 1947
      I suppose that the reason why a philosophical theory of the nature of error as such is rejected ... —John E. Smith, New Republic, 29 Nov. 1954
      The author's emphasis, then, is not on Moslem resurgence as such but on the prevailing unrest among the Moslems —E. A. Speiser, Yale Rev., Autumn 1954
      ... the absence of a general perspective, an indication of the way in which legal controls as such operate —Ian Brownlie, Times Literary Supp., 22 May 1981




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