释义 |
agent ☞agentn. [′eɪdʒǝnt] (agents)
双解释义 1. C 代理人,代理商;经纪人 a person whose job is to represent another person, a company, etc. especially one who brings people into touch with other or deals with the business affairs or a person or company 2. C 作用者,原动力,动因;作用剂 a person or thing that works to produce a result 基本要点 agent 的基本意思是“代理人,代理商;经纪人”,指受当事人委托,代表其进行某种活动(如贸易、诉讼、纳税或签订合同等)的人;agent也可作“作用者,原动力,动因;作用剂”解,多用于正式或术语中。也可作“密探,特工”解。词汇搭配 形容词+~ acting ~ 临时代理人 sole ~ 独家代理(权) special ~ 特别经理人,特别代理人 double ~ (为敌对双方服务的)双面间谍 secret ~ 特务,间谍 undercover ~ 密探,特务,间谍名词+~ advance ~ 先遣人员 enemy ~ 敌方间谍 estate ~ 〈英〉房地产经纪人 house ~ 房产经纪人 insurance ~ 保险经纪人 land ~ 地产经纪人 ticket ~ 代售戏票〔车票〕的人句型例句 Our agent in Rome deals with all our Italian business. 我们在罗马的代理商负责我们在意大利的全部业务。 A literary agent manages the business affairs of an author. 文稿代理人负责代作家处理商业性事务。 My travel agents have made all the reservations for my journey. 旅行社人员已为我的旅程做好了一切安排。 Soap is a cleansing agent. 肥皂是一种清洁剂。 Conscience is a moral agent. 良心是一种道德力量。 Rain and sun are the agents which help plants to grow. 雨水和阳光是促进植物生长的原动力。 |