

词组 ashamed
释义 ashamed
ashamedadj. [ǝ′ʃeɪmd]
P 惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的 sorry and unhappy about sth that you have done, or unhappy because you are not as good as other people in some way
1. ashamed意思是“羞愧的,惭愧的”,表示的是人的一种心理体验,指为自己或别人有缺点(做错了事、说错了话、没有尽到责任等)而感到羞耻、惭愧不安或内疚,也可表示不好意思、难为情等。
2. ashamed是以a-开头的形容词,在其前没有修饰语的情况下在句中一般不能用作定语,只能用作表语,偶尔也可用作宾语补足语。
3. ashamed用作表语时,常与介词of〔at〕或for搭配。介词不同,含义用法也不尽相同。(be) ashamed的后面还可以接that从句。
4. (be) ashamed可接不定式作补足语,意思是“耻于做某事”或“因做了某事而感羞愧”。多表示非意愿性的动作, ashamed所描述的情况是动词不定式产生的结果。主语与动词不定式没有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以当不定式为及物动词时,须加上宾语。
5. (be) ashamed of是常用的习语,表示导致“羞愧的,惭愧的”原因,即“为…而感到羞愧”。of的宾语可以由名词、代词(含反身代词)、动名词和疑问词引导的从句等充当。当动名词表示的是非意愿性动作时, of可换为at. (be) ashamed for sb的意思是“替…感到羞愧”; (be) ashamed of oneself for sth/v-ing的意思是“为…自感羞愧”。
6. ashamed不用very修饰,但可用much或very much修饰,用very much比用much更普遍。
 ~ look 羞愧的表情
 ~ person 感到羞愧的人
 feel ~ 感到羞愧
 make sb ~ 使某人感到惭愧
 ~ to ask and learn from people below 耻于下问
 deeply ~ 很惭愧
 much ~ 很惭愧
 very much ~ 非常惭愧
 ~ at 因…感到惭愧
 ~ at being unable to give an answer 因回答不出而感到羞愧
 ~ of 为…感到惭愧
 ~ of doing such a thing 为干这样的事而感到羞耻
 ~ of oneself 自感惭愧
▲ S+be+~
 Are you not ashamed? 你不难为情吗?
 He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated. 他感到羞耻,丢尽了面子。
 He was very much ashamed. 他感到非常羞愧。
 He felt very much ashamed whenever he encountered any of his old mates. 每遇到老相识时,他总是感到很难为情。
▲ S+be+~+to-v
 I'm ashamed to do so. 我不好意思这么做。
 I am not ashamed to do such a thing. 做这样的事我并不感到害羞。
 She was ashamed to tell her parents she had failed the exam. 她因怕丢脸而不敢告诉父母自己考试不及格。
 He was ashamed to beg. 他为乞讨而羞耻。
 She is ashamed to ask for help. 她不好意思向人求助。
 He is ashamed to let me know what he has done. 他不好意思让我知道他做的事。
 She felt ashamed to speak before such company. 在这许多人面前谈话,她感到难为情。
 I am ashamed to have mentioned it, please forgive me. 提起那件事,我真惭愧,请原谅我。
 I am quite ashamed to have to trouble you. 不得不麻烦你,我感到有愧。
▲ S+be+~+that/wh-clause

 The engineer felt ashamed that he couldn't repair this machine. 这位工程师不会修理这部机器,觉得惭愧。
 Bill felt ashamed that he had not told the truth. 比尔为自己没有说实话而感到羞愧。
 I am ashamed that you should see me in this state. 我不愿意你看到我这副德性。
 I felt ashamed that I should have hurt her so much. 我为伤了她的心而感到惭愧。
 I felt quite ashamed that I have not fulfilled the task. 我没有完成任务感到很惭愧。
 He felt ashamed that he had done so little. 他为自己干得太少而感到羞愧。
▲ S+V+O+~
 What he did made her ashamed. 他的所做所为使她感到惭愧。
 ♣ be ashamed at
 羞耻,惭愧,害臊 feeling guilt about sth
 Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour. 她丈夫为她的行为感到害臊。
 She was ashamed at being unable to pass the exam. 她考试不及格,感觉很羞愧。
 ♣ be ashamed for
1. 替某人感到害臊 feeling guilt for sb
 I am ashamed for you. 我替你感到害臊。
 The parents felt ashamed for their son when he was dismissed by the boss. 儿子被老板解雇,他父母都为他感到脸上无光。
 You should feel ashamed for yourself. 你该替你自己感到惭愧。
2. 因某事或做了某事而感到惭愧 feeling guilt about doing sth
 He was ashamed for having hidden the truth from his girl friend. 他因自己向女朋友隐瞒真情而愧疚。
 Marvin felt ashamed, somehow, and ashamed for feeling ashamed. 马文莫名其妙地感到羞愧,又为羞愧而感到难为情。
 ♣ be ashamed of
 羞耻,惭愧,害臊 feeling guilt about sth
 I was ashamed of him. 我为他感到羞愧。
 But now I felt ashamed of my own daughter. 但现在为我自己的女儿感到愧疚。
 The boy was ashamed of his defects. 这孩子因自己的缺点而感羞愧。
 He felt ashamed of his emotion. 他因自己的情绪激动而感羞愧。
 You should be ashamed of yourself. 你应当感到羞愧。
 I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of myself now. 很抱歉,我现在感到很惭愧。
 He is terribly ashamed of what he did. 他为自己所干的事愧疚不堪。
 Aren't you ashamed of what he did? 难道你不为他所作所为而感到羞耻?
 He was ashamed of asking such a simple question. 他由于问了这么简单的问题而感到羞愧。
 The young driver felt ashamed of having failed to get the driving license after the test. 这位年轻的司机为考核后未能获得驾驶执照而羞愧。
 Don't feel ashamed of being poor, it isn't your fault. 不要因贫穷而感到羞愧,那不是你的错。
 I wanted to look at him—and I didn't want to, and I've been ashamed of not wanting to, ever since. 那时我想看看他——又不想看他,并且我一直因无意看他而感到愧疚。
 She was ashamed of herself for that. 她为那事感到害臊。
 He was ashamed of her for writing such lies. 他为她写出这样骗人的鬼话而感到羞愧。
 I am ashamed of myself for having stayed so long. 我为自己呆这么久而感到不好意思。
 The boy felt ashamed of himself for having told his parents the lie. 这个小男孩为自己对父母撒谎而感到羞愧。
 I am ashamed of myself for being so stupid. 我为自己这么愚蠢而感到惭愧。
 ♣ be ashamed at, be ashamed of
 这两个短语意思相近。其区别是:ashamed at后面接的动名词必须是个非意愿性动词;ashamed of后面则不一定,可以是意愿性动词,也可以是非意愿性动词。例如:
I am ashamed at not writing you sooner.
The candidate was ashamed of his cheating in the English examination.

 ♣ be ashamed of v-ing, be ashamed to-v
 ashamed 可接动词不定式,也可接"of+动名词”。一般说来,动词不定式所表示的动作是还未发生的,而动名词所表示的动作则是已发生的。例如:
Aren't you ashamed to talk like that?
Aren t you ashamed of talking like that?

She was ashamed to ask for help.
She was ashamed of asking for help.

 ♣ ashamed, shameful, shameless
 ashamed 的意思是“羞耻,惭愧”,故其主语是人,一般只用作表语;shameful的意思是“可耻的”,通常修饰事物或行为,既可作表语,也可作定语;shameless的语气最重,意思是“无耻的”,可修饰事物或行为,也可指人,在句中可以作表语,也可以作定语。例如:
I'm ashamed of myself for being so stupid.
Such shameful conduct should be stopped.
He was so shameless that he said she loved him.

 ♣ ashamed, embarrassed
He was ashamed that he had lied.
She was embarrassed when they kept telling her how clever she was.

 ♣ ashamed, chagrined, humiliated, mortified
 这组词都可表示“惭愧”“内疚”。其区别是:ashamed强调因自己做了错事,而感觉“惭愧”“羞耻”; chagrined指因做事不当而觉得“难为情”“心烦”“失望”, humiliated强调在他人面前遭受奚落或羞辱而感到“内心痛苦”; mortified指受极端羞辱而“惴惴不安”,有时也含有ashamed的意思。例如:
Later she felt ashamed at her lack of self-control.
I was chagrined to find that I had left the tickets at home.
He was mortified when he forgot his speech.
Parents are humiliated if their children behave badly when guests are present.

 ♣ 下面两句意思不同:
I was ashamed for him.
I was ashamed of him.

 [误] It is ashamed that he looks it.
 [正] He looked ashamed.
 [析] ashamed是表示感情的形容词,主语一定是感到惭愧的人,不可用"It is ashamed that..."句型。
 ashamed 是表语形容词,不能用在名词前作定语,但由于英语中没有相当于ashamed的定语形容词,偶尔也可放在名词前。例如:
 an ashamed look 羞愧的表情
 an ashamed person 感到羞愧的人
 She made an ashamed confession. 她做了羞愧的坦白。
 [同义词] apologetic, hesitant, sheepish, shy, sorry, unwilling
 [反义词] pleased, satisfied, shameless




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