bottled ~瓶装啤酒 canned ~罐装啤酒 cold ~冷啤酒 dark ~黑啤酒 green ~生啤酒 iced ~冰镇啤酒 light ~低度啤酒 near ~淡啤酒 strong ~浓啤酒 weak ~淡啤酒
rice ~米酒 root ~〈美〉根汁啤酒
a bottle of ~一瓶啤酒 a can of ~一罐啤酒 a glass of ~一杯啤酒
He emptied the bottle of water and then filled it with beer.他把瓶子里的水倒了,然后装上啤酒。 They accused him for drinking beer while driving.他们指责他开车时喝啤酒。 He drank a pint of beer.他喝了一品脱啤酒。 He drank a glass of beer.他喝了一玻璃杯啤酒。 They finished the bottle of beer between them.他们两人把一瓶啤酒喝完了。 There is a glass for beer on the table.桌子上有只装啤酒的玻璃杯。 This beer is watery.这种啤酒很清淡。 We had several beers.我们有各种各样的啤酒。 They brew several excellent beers in this district.他们在这一地区酿造出好几种味道极好的啤酒。 I'd like a beer with ice.给我来一杯带冰的啤酒。 I'd like some beer with ice.我想喝点带冰的啤酒。