

词组 enemy
释义 enemy
enemyn. [′enǝmɪ] (enemies)
C 仇敌,敌人,敌军 a person who hates and opposes another person; one of two or more people who hate and oppose each other; (the armed forces of) a country with which one is at war
1. enemy的基本意思是“仇敌”“敌人”,可指一个人的“仇敌”,也可指一个阶级或一个国家的“敌人”。可用作个体名词,也可用作集体名词,常与定冠词the连用,用作集体名词时,意思是“敌军”,作主语时,可与单、复数动词连用。
2. enemy和friend连用,作为矛盾的一对,通常用单数。
3. enemy在句中可用作定语,修饰soldier, position, cruiser, ammunition, pillbox, action等名词,意义上与enemy的所属格enemy's无甚不同。
4. enemy在句中作补语时,可用其复数形式,动词仍与主语一致。
 attack the ~ 攻击敌军
 beat an ~ 战胜敌人,打败敌人
 beat down the ~ 打垮敌人
 charge the ~ 向敌军冲去
 defeat an ~ 打败敌人,战胜敌人
 destroy an ~ 摧毁敌人,消灭敌人
 discover an ~ 发现敌人
 drive an ~ away 赶跑敌人
 drive out the ~ 把敌人驱逐出去
 face the ~ 面对敌人,遇到敌人
 fear the ~ 害怕敌人
 fight the ~ 与敌人作斗争
 find the ~ 发现敌人
 kill an ~ 击毙敌人
 make -mies 树敌
 meet an ~ 迎击敌人,遇上敌人
 punish the ~ 惩罚敌人
 put the ~ to flight 使敌人逃窜
 strike the ~ 打击敌人
 surprise the ~ 奇袭敌人
 wipe out the ~ 歼灭敌人
 bitter ~ 死敌
 common ~ 共同的敌人
 cruel ~ 残忍的敌人,残酷的敌人
 great ~ 大敌
 long-time ~ 长期的敌人
 main ~ 主要敌人
 mutual ~ 共同的敌人
 national ~ 民族的敌人,国家的敌人
 natural ~ 天敌
 open ~ 公开的敌人
 political ~ 政敌
 powerful ~ 强大的敌人
 public ~ 公敌
 secret ~ 暗藏的敌人
 ~ defence lines 敌人防线
 ~'s retreat 敌人的退路
 hundreds of ~ 几百敌兵
 ~ from within 内部的敌人
 Hundreds of the enemies had searched the mountains for fifteen days without result. 成百上千的敌人在山里搜了15天,都毫无结果。
 Confront the enemies and be a man. 要勇敢地面对敌人,做个男子汉。
 The enemy attacked our foremost positions all night. 整整一夜敌人攻打了我们的前沿阵地。
 Sirens alerted the cities long before the enemy bombers arrived. 敌军轰炸机凌空以前,各城市早已鸣了警报。
 The enemy is/are advancing towards the castle. 敌军正向城堡进发。
 The enemy were too many. 敌人太多了。
 The enemy was alarmed to learn that his troops had been surrounded. 敌人听说自己的部队已被包围时惊恐万状。
 We anticipated that the enemy would cross the river and so we destroyed the bridge. 我们预见到敌人要过河,因此我们把桥毁掉了。
 The army attacked at night when the enemy was asleep. 在夜间敌人熟睡时军队发起了攻击。
 Before they fled the country, the enemy attempted to destroy the factories. 在逃往国外之前,敌人企图把工厂毁掉。
 They battled the enemy. 他们同敌人作战。
 He never bent his knees before the enemy. 他在敌人面前从不屈膝。
 We have broken down the resistance of the enemy. 我们已经打垮了敌人的顽抗。
 She would not say a word even though the enemy threatened to burn her. 尽管敌人威胁要烧死她,但她依然只字未说。
 He was seized with burning hatred for the enemy. 他心中这时充满了对敌人的仇恨。
 The pressure on the enemy is building up. 他们对敌人的压力在不断加强。
 The forces of the enemy advanced against them. 敌军向他们步步逼近。
 The enemy became more frantic in its death-bed struggle. 敌人更加疯狂地进行垂死挣扎。
 The prisoner claimed that he had been framed up by his enemies. 囚犯声称他受到了仇人的诬陷。
 He was framed by his enemies. 他被他的仇人们陷害了。
 They prayed that their enemies might be defeated. 他们祈求上苍让敌人失败。
 The knights prevailed against many enemies. 骑士们降服很多敌人。
 He frustrated his enemies in their plans. 他使敌人的计划落空了。
 At last they beat their enemies. 最终,他们打败了敌人。
 They forgave their enemies. 他们饶恕了敌人。
 We aid them in fighting against their enemy. 我们援助他们抗击敌人。
 Please bear in mind that they are our enemy. 请牢记他们是我们的敌人。
 The wounded soldier begged his enemy for mercy. 那伤兵向敌人讨饶。
 We must band together to fight the common enemy. 我们必须联合起来与我们的共同敌人作斗争。
 The struggle against common enemy binds all the colonial people together. 与共同敌人的斗争把殖民地各族人民紧紧联系在一起。
 His policy was to beat each enemy in turn. 他的方针是把敌人各个击破。
 The enemy's guns were silenced by repeated bombings. 反复轰炸压制了敌人的炮火。
 Our powerful artillery fire silenced the enemy's mortars. 我军强大的炮火迫使敌人的迫击炮停止射击。
 We advanced on the enemy's position under the cover of darkness. 我们在夜幕掩护下攻击了敌人的阵地。
 A good general tries to anticipate the enemy's movements. 一个优秀的将领常设法预知敌人的行动,并加以应付。
 After two hours' heavy fighting, we bore down the enemy's resistance. 经过两小时的激战,我们粉碎了敌人的抵抗。
 Stealthily we approached the enemy's camp. 我们偷偷地摸向敌人的营地。
 With his own body Huang Jiguang blocked the muzzle of the enemy's machine gun. 黄继光用自己的身体挡住了敌人的枪眼。
 Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers. 在敌人进攻前,他过河去向手无寸铁的村民报警。
 The enemy's attack was beaten off. 敌人的攻势被击退了。
 It was quite some time before they managed to break through the enemy's blockade. 他们花了好长时间才设法冲破敌人的封锁线。
 An enemy bomb has sent up the oil stores. 敌人的炸弹炸毁了油库。
 He drew his pistol and aimed at the enemy soldier. 他拔出枪对准敌兵。
 Our guns were brought to bear on the centre of the enemy position. 我方大炮一齐指向敌人阵地的中心。
 Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
 The enemy ammunition dump blew up. 敌人的军火库爆炸了。
 The enemy pillbox was blown up with a bang. 轰的一声,敌人的碉堡给炸毁了。
 This nation will not be brought to the ground by enemy action! 这个国家决不会被敌对行动所毁灭!
 The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft. 对该地区进行雷达搜索以求发现敌机。
 As the mines laid by the guerrillas began to explode, the enemy troops broke ranks and fled in panic. 游击队埋设的地雷开始爆炸,敌军顿时乱作一团,仓皇逃窜。
 The Foreign Minister treats all those correspondents the same way, whether they are enemy or friend. 外交部长对所有的记者都一视同仁,不管他们是友好的还是怀有敌意的。
 He went an enemy, and returned a friend. 他去时为敌,回则为友。
 Frost is an enemy of flowers. 霜冻会危害花朵。
 ♣ make enemies 
 树敌 make an enemy of sb
▲ make enemies with sb
 I don't want to make enemies with the world. 我不想与天下人为敌。
▲ make one enemies
 His down-to-earth way made him enemies as well as supporters. 他实事求是的作风使有的人支持他,有的人反对他。
 His rudeness made him many enemies. 他的粗鲁作风得罪了很多人。
 ♣ make an enemy of 
 使某人成为自己的敌人 make enemies
 Clearly, you don't want to make a mortal enemy of someone who will be in power for a while. 显然,你不会冒犯一个暂时还在当权的人。
 ♣ enemy, adversary, antagonist, foe, opponent
 [误] We must draw a clear line between enemies and ourselves at all times.
 [正] We must draw a clear line between the enemy and ourselves at all times.
 [析] enemy泛指“敌人”或“敌军”时,属集合名词,应该用单数形式来表示复数意义,且前面需用定冠词the.
 [同义词] adversary, foeman, opponent, opposer, rival
 [反义词] ally, friend
 [词源] 古法语enemi<拉丁语inimicus(不是朋友)




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