

词组 formulate
释义 formulate
      Several usage writers have felt that this word would be better replaced by a shorter synonym, such as form or make, in phrases like "formulate an opinion" and "formulate a plan." As with many other common but criticized usages, formulate can be seen to have some advantages over its suggested replacements. Its greater length, which makes it sound "pretentious" to Evans 1957 and "grandiose" to Bremner 1980, helps it to imply greater complexity or more deliberate intent than form or make. This is borne out in our citations, where plans and policies are formulated much more often than opinions.
      We are sure that formulate can sound pretentious if used pretentiously, but in everyday, businesslike prose (where it is frequently found) it draws no more attention to itself than is seemly.
      ... in the excitement of recent events he had not formulated a plan —Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie, 1900
      The principles of economics formulated two generations ago can no longer be relied on today —Morris R. Cohen, The Faith of a Liberal, 1946
      ... a means ... of formulating student opinion on various issues —AA UP Bulletin, December 1967
      ... formulate measures to streamline certain administrative procedures —Current Biography, November 1967
      ... long-range plans are being formulated —Annual Report, National Lead Co., 1970
      ... the new educational policies now being formulated in Washington —Henry S. Resnik, Saturday Rev., 4 Mar. 1972




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