

词组 devolve
释义 devolve
      When used with a preposition, devolve usually appears with on or upon:
      In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President —Constitution of the United States, 1787
      ... as they see the final power over curricular design slip from them and devolve on students —Lewis B. Mayhew, Change, January-February 1971
      ... the basic coverage of political conventions may devolve upon cable television —Neil Hickey, TV Guide, 1 Aug. 1980
      Upon Leonard Woolf the editorship of the diary has devolved —Elizabeth Bowen, N.Y. Times Book Rev., 21 Feb. 1954
      Less frequently devolve is used with to or into:
      ... if the newspaper organization dissolves, no part of the assets should devolve to members —H. L. Ewbank, AAUP Bulletin, December 1969
      The reason is that the economy had devolved into five separate economies that no longer act as one — Business Week, 1 June 1981
      Curiously enough, while devolve followed by from had at one time faded from use, it now is appearing again, at least sporadically. Evolve, which commonly combines with from, may be an influence here:
      His allegedly subversive campaigns ... all devolve from his belief in basic American rights —Frank Deford, Sports Illustrated, 8 Aug. 1983
      ... the Code of Conduct for prisoners of war, which devolved from the Korean War —Ivor Peterson, N.Y. Times, 14 May 1979




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