

词组 teacher
释义 teacher
teachern. [′tɪːtʃǝ] (teachers)
C 教师 person who teaches
 teacher 的意思是“教师,教员”,指传授知识和教诲人们知书明理的人,不限于课堂或学校里的授课教师。是可数名词。
 admire a ~ 羡慕教师
 afford a ~ 请得起教师
 answer a ~ 回答老师的问题
 ask a ~ 问老师
 attract ~ 吸引教员
 commend a ~ 表彰一位教员
 consult a ~ 请教老师
 dismiss a ~ 辞退老师,解雇教师
 encourage a ~ 鼓励教师
 exchange ~s 交换教师
 honour a ~ 给教师荣誉
 invite a ~ 聘请教师
 license a ~ 发给教师资格证书
 need a ~ 需要老师
 pay a ~ 给教师工资
 praise a ~ 表彰教师
 respect a ~ 尊敬教师
 reward a ~ 奖励教师
 train a ~ 培训教师
 admirable ~ 令人羡慕的教师
 American ~ 美国教师
 Chinese ~ 中国教师,汉语教师
 distinguished ~ 著名的教师,尊敬的教师
 English ~ 英国教师,英语教师
 experienced ~ 有经验的教师
 good ~ 好教师
 imaginative ~ 有想象力的教师
 intelligent ~ 有才智的教师
 old ~ 老教师
 part-time ~ 兼职教师
 poor ~ 贫困的教师,较差的教师,可怜的教师
 private ~ 家庭教师
 qualified ~ 合格的教师
 respected ~ 受尊敬的教师
 retired ~ 退休教师
 talented ~ 有才能的教师
 the first ~ 启蒙老师
 well-trained ~ 训练有素的教师
 young ~ 年轻教师
 history ~ 历史教员
 lady ~ 女教师
 language ~ 语言教师
 man ~ 男教师
 practice ~ 实习教师
 science ~ 理科教师
 student ~ 实习教师
 supply ~ (专职为多所学校服务的)代课教师
 university ~ 大学教师
 woman ~ 女教师
 ~ competent for work 胜任的教师
 under a ~ 在一位教师的指导下
 ~ in French 法语老师
 ~ of drawing 绘画老师
 ~ of English 英语教师
 The teacher collected all the pupils in the auditorium. 老师把所有的学生都集合在礼堂里。
 The teacher read a poem to the class. 老师向班上的同学朗诵了一首诗歌。
 The teacher cannot tolerate eating on the class. 老师不容许在课堂上吃东西。
 If she heeded what the teacher told her, she might make better progress. 如果她多留意老师对她说的话,她也许会有更大的进步。
 The teacher demands that students should turn in their test papers within two hours. 老师要求学生两小时内交卷。
 The teacher asked us to answer the question. 老师让我们回答这个问题。
 Our teacher decided that it would be better to start at once. 我们的老师决定还是立即出发好一些。
 My teacher speaks French as well as English. 我的老师不但会说英语,而且会说法语。
 Not only students but also their teacher is in the classroom. 不仅有学生,他们的老师也在教室里。
 The boy followed the teacher into the office. 那男孩跟着老师走进办公室。
 After he left the university, he became a teacher, but he later turned to translation. 他大学毕业后当了教师,但后来转向翻译工作。
 I saw the teacher and asked for a book. 我见到老师并要了一本书。
 I asked to speak to the teacher. 我要求和老师讲话。
 He asked his teacher to expand on the steps of programming. 他要老师详细介绍编程步骤。
 His several absences from the class worried his teacher. 他几次缺课使他的老师很担心。
 He is a teacher of geography. 他是位地理教师。
 Teacher's labour should be respected by all. 教师的劳动应当受到大家的尊重。
 A child's first teacher is usually his mother. 小孩的第一位老师通常是他的母亲。
 ♣ a teacher of English, an English teacher
 这两个短语在表示“教英语的老师”时,二者均可用,只是要注意后者中的English要重读。如果把后者中的English发了轻音, teacher发了重音,则成了“英籍老师”了。
1. 我的职业是教书。
 [误] My occupation is a teacher.
 [正] My occupation is teaching.
 [析] a teacher是具体名词, teaching是动名词。本句的主语是occupation,故表语只能用动名词,不能用a teacher.
2. 她是幼儿园教师。
 [误] She is teacher of a kindergarten.
 [正] She is a kindergarten teacher.
 [正] She is a teacher in〔at〕 a kindergarten.
 [析] a teacher of后只接表示“科目”的名词,如English, physics等。
 汉语中常可把姓氏直接加在“老师”之前,表示称谓,如高老师、李老师等,英语中却不能说:teacher Gao, teacher Li,而要说Mr. Gao, Miss Li或Mrs. Li.
 [反义词] pupil, student
 [词源] 古英语tæcan(给看,示看,教导,教诲)




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