1. C 腔调,语气 manner of expression in speaking 2. C 音,音调 the quality or character of the sound produced by a particular instrument or singing voice 3. SU 风格,气度 the general quality or nature of sth; character
His tone is rather unfriendly.他的口气很不友善。 I don't like your tone of voice.我不喜欢你说话的腔调。 The sentence should be read in a rising tone.这句话该读升调。 This violin has a very good tone.这把小提琴的音色很好。 He sings in a loud tone.他用高音调唱歌。 Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。 The lady has real tone.这位女士气度非凡。 These dreadful people bring down the tone of the neighborhood.这些讨厌的人败坏了这一地带的风气。
♣ with a tone 装腔作势be affected or pretentious; strike a pose; put on airs He reads with a tone.他装腔作势地念着。
♣ 下面两个句子的意思相同:
He spoke in an angry tone. < He spoke in angry tones. 他以愤怒的语气说话。