

词组 wife
释义 wife
wifen. [waɪf] (wives)
C 妻子 the woman to whom a man is married
1. wife的意思是“妻子”,指相对于丈夫而言的女人。
2. give sb to wife表示“嫁给某人为妻”, take〔have〕 sb to wife表示“娶某人为妻”“娶妻”也可用marry a wife.
 afford one's ~ 供养妻子
 beat one's ~ 殴打妻子
 bring one's ~ with him 带着夫人
 get a ~ 有妻子,娶妻
 hate one's ~ 恨自己的妻子
 have a ~ 已娶妻,有妻子
 have one as a ~ 娶某人为妻
 kiss one's ~ 吻自己的妻子
 kill one's ~ 杀死自己的妻子
 leave one's ~ 离开自己的妻子
 lose one's ~ 丧妻
 love one's ~ 爱自己的妻子
 make (sb) a ~ 使(某人)成为妻子
 marry a ~ 娶妻
 miss one's ~ 想念自己的妻子
 neglect one's ~ 慢怠自己的妻子,对妻子冷淡
 put away one's ~ 置妻室于不顾
 take sb as a ~ 娶某人为妻
 treat one's ~ badly 待妻子不好
 abused ~ 受虐待的妻子
 agreeable ~ 惬意的夫人
 beautiful ~ 美丽的妻子
 cold ~ 冷漠的妻子
 devoted ~ 忠诚的妻子
 faithful ~ 忠实的妻子
 first ~ 第一夫人(国家元首的妻子)
 former ~ 前妻
 good ~ 贤妻
 hardworking ~ 勤劳的妻子
 lawful ~ 正妻,原配夫人
 legal ~ 合法的妻子,正妻
 lifelong ~ 终身伴侣,结发妻子
 loving ~ 可爱的妻子
 old ~ 上了年纪的妻子
 rich ~ 有钱的妻子
 second ~ 第二夫人,第二个妻子
 sick ~ 多病的妻子
 virtuous ~ 贤惠的妻子,忠贞的妻子
 wealthy ~ 有钱的妻子
 young ~ 年轻的妻子
 house ~ 主妇
 model ~ 模范妻子
 My wife doesn't understand me. 我的妻子不理解我。
 What can I do to win my wife back? 我该怎么办才能重新夺回我的妻子?
 I want you for my wife, will you marry me? 我希望你做我的妻子,你愿意同我结婚吗?
 My wife will witness that I was at home all night. 我妻子会证明那天我整夜都在家。
 The danger and difficulties of his work greatly worried his wife. 他的工作既危险又艰难,这使他妻子非常担忧。
 His wife walks over him. 他的妻子轻蔑地对待他。
 Everyone can see that the death of his wife weighs on him heavily. 人人都看得出,他妻子的去世使他的心情非常沉重。
 His wife walked out on him, and was later seen in a neighbouring city with another man. 他的妻子抛弃了他,而后有人在附近的一个城市看到她和另一个男人在一起。
 He expected his wife to wait on him hand and foot. 他指望他的妻子像佣人一样来伺候他。
 He visited his anger on his wife. 他迁怒于他的妻子。
 He'll unload his wife. 他将摆脱他的妻子。
 He married a wife by whom he had two daughters. 他娶了妻并和她生了两个女儿。
 Some people think that husband and wife should never work together. 有人认为夫妻二人绝不应该在同一处工作。
 The two men went fishing while their wives prepared the dinner. 那两个男人去钓鱼时,他们的妻子做饭。
 ♣ an old wives' tale
 荒唐故事,无稽之谈 old and usually foolish idea
 But that is nothing but an old wives' tale. 那只不过是无稽之谈而已。
 ♣ old wife, old girl, old lady, old woman
1. 他的第一个妻子给他生了三个孩子。
 [误] He has three children from his first wife.
 [正] He has three children by his first wife.
 [析] 在这里介词by不可改为from.
2. 娶某人为妻
 [误] take〔have〕 sb to a wife
 [误] take〔have〕 sb to sb's wife
 [误] take〔have〕 sb to the wife
 [正] take〔have〕 sb to wife
 [析] take〔have〕 sb to wife是固定搭配, wife前不可用任何冠词或人称代词。
3. 布朗先生去世了,他的妻子只好支撑着这个家。
 [误] Mr. Brown is dead, and his wife has to support the family.
 [正] Mr. Brown is dead, and his widow has to support the family.
 [析] 男人生前的法定妻子叫wife,男人死后,英语中习惯上不再用wife,而用widow一词表示已去世男人的生前妻子,即“遗孀”。
 [词源] 古英语wif (女人,妻子)




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