

词组 defence
释义 defence
defencen. [dɪ′fens] (defences)
1. U C 防御,保卫,保护  fighting against people who attack, or keeping away dangerous people or things
2. P 防御工事  means, methods, or things used in defending
3. S 辩护,答辩  arguments used in defending oneself
1. defence的基本意思是“防御”“保卫”。指保护城池,防御敌人的进攻等。引申可指法律上的“答辩,辩护”。
2. defence作“防务,防御工事”解时多用复数。
3. the defence意思是“辩护律师”“后卫”。
4. defence在美式英语中常写作defense.
 abandon a ~ 放弃防御
 build up a ~ 筑起一道防线
 give a ~ 作辩护
 make a ~ 进行辩护
 organize a ~ 组织防御
 prepare a ~ 准备防御
 put up a ~ 进行防御
 adequate ~ 充分的防御
 brave ~ 英勇的防御
 national ~ 国防
 powerful ~ 有力的辩护
 strong ~ 坚强的防线
 united army-and-civilian ~ 军民联防
 weak ~ 无力的辩护
 air ~(s) 防空
 in ~ of 保卫,为…而辩护
 speak in ~ of one's opinions 为其观点做辩护
 in ~ of the capital 保卫首都
 in ~ of the country 保卫国家
 speak in ~ of the government 为政府辩护
 ~ against 为对付…而设的防御
 ~ against an attack 防御进攻
 ~ against the cold 防寒
 Whether a gun is a weapon of offence or a weapon of defence depends upon which end of it you are at. 枪是攻击武器还是防御武器视你的目的而定。
 Wanda's defence denied Taishan the winning goal. 万达队的防守使泰山队无法赢球。
 Most countries have armies for their defence. 多数国家都有用于防御的军队。
 Leagues are commonly made for mutual defence. 结成联盟往往是为了共同防御。
 The defence of the country is everyone's affair. 保卫祖国,人人有责。
 A strong army and a strong airforce are indispensible to the defence of a land locked country. 一个强有力的陆军和一个强有力的空军对于保卫一个内陆国家来说是必不可少的。
 Mountains are a defence against the wind. 山脉是防风的屏障。
 The high wall was built as a defence against intruders. 修建这堵高墙作为屏障以防外人闯入。
 They are busy making the soldiers do defence work. 他们正忙于布置士兵们做防务工作。
 They planned the defence of the town. 他们定出了该城的防御计划。
 Herbalism is a way of helping the body to build up its natural defences to illness by using plants or herbs. 草药学提倡应用植物或药草的疗效来增加人体的自然抵抗力,使机体不受疾病的侵袭。
 Antibodies are the body's defences against infection. 抗体是身体抵御感染的武器。
 The defences of the city are strong. 城市的防御工事很稳固。
 The country's defences are weak. 该国的防御能力薄弱。
 The defence will appeal the case to the Supreme Court. 被告方将案件向最高法院上诉。
 The defence argues that the evidence is weak. 辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充分。
 He has been brought in to strengthen the defence. 请他来是为了加强后卫的力量。
 She plays in defence. 她打后卫。
 A lot of money is spent on defence. 国防方面的开支很大。
 ♣ in defence of
 保卫,捍卫 fighting against people
 He gave his life in defence of his country. 他为保卫祖国而献出了生命。
1. 他们决心为保卫城市而战斗到底。
 [误] They are determined to fight to the last in the defence of the city.
 [正] They are determined to fight to the last in defence of the city.
 [误] She spoke up in defence from herself.
 [正] She spoke up in defence of herself.
 [析] in defence of是习惯用语, defence前不加a或the. 其中of不能换为其他介词。
2. 城堡的坚固墙壁起了抵御侵略者的作用。
 [误] The strong walls of the castle served as a good defence from the attackers.
 [正] The strong walls of the castle served as a good defence against the attackers.
 [析] 作“抵御…”解时, defence一般与against连用。
 [词源]古法语、近代拉丁语defensa <拉丁语defendere(避开打击)




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