释义 |
series ☞seriesn. [′sɪǝrɪːz]
双解释义 1. C 连续的同类事物,系列 a group of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after another or in order 2. U 串联 electrical circuit with the supply of current flowing directly through each component 词汇搭配 形容词+~ continued ~ 连续的 unbroken ~ 连续不断的~+介词 a ~ of 一系列的 a ~ of meetings 出席一系列会议 a ~ of misfortunes 遭到一连串的不幸句型例句 She attended all the lectures in the series. 这一系列的演讲她全听了。 It is called series circuits in physics. 它在物理学上被称为串联电路。常用短语 ♣ a series of 一系列 a group of things of the same kind or related in some way, coming one after another or in order The post office will issue a series of new stamps. 邮局将要发行一套新邮票。词语辨异 ♣ series, sequence, succession 这组词都有“持续”“连续”“一系列”的意思。 1. sequence多指时间上、空间上的相继发生;succession强调事物或事件一个接一个发生,没有间断;series指将某种性质相同或关系相同的事物排列在一起。2. sequence含有事物按照某种逻辑集合而成的意思;succession所暗示的事物不一定按逻辑顺序,含有相连的事物既互相关联又彼此独立的意思。 ♣ a series of, a chain of 参见chain条。 补充资料 [同义词] cycle, chain, sequence, string [词源]拉丁语series(互相连接) |