

词组 rob
释义 rob
 1. Rob is used most often with of, when a prepositional phrase follows:
      "Yes, it was wonderful," she said, but robbed the phrase of its full effect by adding: "I didn't imagine
      I could be so glad to see him again " —Aldous Huxley, Point Counter Point, 1928
      "Remember, George, the Sons of Liberty have already robbed me of so much freedom that I can't risk losing more." —Kenneth Roberts, Oliver Wis-well, 1940
      At funerals his mien of settled woe somehow robbed the chief mourners of their proper eminence —Robertson Davies, Tempest-tost, 1951
      His friends say that the history profession robbed the stage of one of its most gifted mimes —C. Vann Woodward, N.Y. Rev. of Books, 3 Dec. 1970
      Once in a great while, rob occurs with from (see section 2 below):
      Concave surfaces are troublesome in that they tend to focus sound in some spots and rob sound energy from others —James F. Nickerson, Education Digest, March 1953
      One red or green bulb ... will not rob color from your fish —Virginia Carlson, All Pets, July 1962
 2. Rob, as used figuratively in the last two examples above, sometimes has as its object what is stolen, as steal would. This use is quite old, going back to the 13th century. It is not uncommon in earlier literature:
      ... They themselves contrive To rob the Honey and subvert the Hive.—John Dryden, Virgil's Georgics, 1697 (OED)
      The OED describes the use as now rare. It is not, indeed, nearly as common as the other uses, and it is sometimes considered wrong, or archaic, by commentators no longer familiar with it. Bernstein 1958 and Harper 1975, 1985 associate the use with newspaper headlines. We have also collected evidence of it from news broadcasts and newspaper reports.
      ... set it afire on Sunday, then robbed $ 100 after the clerk fled the flames —Springfield (Mass.) Morning Union, 24 Feb. 1986
      This is not really a misuse, since it is a continuation of an old standard sense. Still, we find it occurring only in news reports. It does not appear to be used at present in other writing, except for the rare figurative use, and we cannot recommend its cultivation.




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