

词组 same
释义 same
      The use of same as a pronoun, often with the, has attracted criticism from many commentators, dating back to Vizetelly 1906. The use of same as a substitute for it, this, that, and them is typically described as unliterary business jargon, if not as an out-and-out error. But a look at the long history and current use of the pronoun same shows clearly that the judgment of the critics is undeservedly harsh. Same has been in continuous use as a pronoun since the 14th century. It was well known to the Shakespearean businessman:
      And in the instant that I met with you He had of me a chain. At five o'clock I shall receive the money for the same.—Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, 1593
      But its use has never been limited to the world of business. Here are some further examples, old and new, to counter the dismissal of pronominal same as mere jargon:
      Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same —Constitution of the United States, 1787
      It then transpired that Old Crockford was a village, and, from the appearance of the team on the day of battle, the Old Crockfordians seemed to be composed exclusively of the riff-raff of same —P. G. Wodehouse, Tales of St Austin's, 1903
      ... mentioning the receipt of the same and stating that no great harm had been done by the delay — William Hazlitt, letter, 7 Apr. 1822
      You are aware of the high hopes following Frost's and my visit to the now Attorney General last summer. You are aware of the higher hopes in Frost's mind following his repeat visit to same in November —Archibald MacLeish, letter, 18 Feb. 1958
      You said you wanted a picture of me and I enclose same —Flannery O'Connor, letter, 16 Nov. 1961
      ... the letters he wrote were revealing and full of immense feeling and the joy of life and the terror of same —E. B. White, letter, 21 June 1967
      The rich had clothes made by couturiers, tailors, or designers, and the masses wore knockoffs of same — Tom Wolfe, Esquire, December 1979
      ... have brought rejoicing to millions who have now seen opera live in their homes and who can look forward to more of the same next winter —Irving Kolodin, Saturday Rev., 8 July 1978
      ... a dispute about the accommodations, or lack of same, for the team —Douglas S. Looney, Sports Illustrated, 31 Dec. 1979
      He also discusses the wisdom, or lack of same, of candor —Genevieve Stuttaford, Publishers Weekly, 7 Sept. 1984
      The pronoun same may sound wooden in an awkwardly written business letter, but in the hands of a competent writer it is often simply a mark of an informal style.




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