释义 |
cannon ☞cannonn. [′kænǝn] (cannons/cannon)
双解释义 C 大炮;加农炮;机关枪 a large powerful gun, often fixed to the ground or onto a two-wheeled carriage or, in modern times, fixed to aircraft 词汇搭配 动词+~ aim a ~ at 将炮口对准… capture a ~ 缴获大炮 fire〔shoot off〕 a ~ 开炮介词+~ the report of a ~ 一声炮响 attack with ~ 用大炮轰击~+介词 ~s from port 要塞上的大炮句型例句 The soldiers fired the cannon. 士兵们开炮。 In this castle there are cannons from the 15th century. 这个城堡里有15世纪的各种火炮。词语辨异 ♣ cannon, artillery, gun参见gun条。 |